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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. you need to be close range for a shotgun Joe. large caliber high power rifle you can be far enough away that the slug will hit before you hear the noise.
  2. that is why god created large caliber high power rifles.
  3. well, ya cant open something that does not show up on your screen. never saw that pic. i wonder if that yard jockey truck was built for right hand drive countrys?
  4. in what photo? the only one i see is the new ottowa with the rv and sheds in the background
  5. fixed it fer ya!!!
  6. Bob, they are built that way because it is driver only. so there is no need for a passenger seat. and while there is a "drivers door" 99.9% of the time the driver enters and exits the cab through the rear door.
  7. Joe Manchin. a rare animal....a democrat that gets it. unfortunately, he is no longer senator.
  8. truck has air ride suspension. if the coupler has a plate on the bottom to put weight on the back of the truck, drop suspension, lock coupler, load air bags, and put weight in drives. probably an old rig that was not really roadworthy anymore, but was perfect for car shuttling in the yard
  9. they were very short lived here in the states.
  10. here in jersey we can put "S" tags on the trailer. it does away with the 80,000 lb max weight and goes by tire weight rating. my old low boy was good for rite about 225,000 lbs because i had 14-24 tires on both tractor and 100 ton trailer. it weighed 76,000 lbs EMPTY.
  11. Trump has been in office for a little over one month . it is gonna take him a lot longer than one month to straighten out the total sheit show of the past 4 years. he has not even had all his cabinet members approved yet. pedo joe did more damage to this country in 4 years than the bushes, clintons, and obummer did in 32 years.
  12. as far as i know, there are no US made tires anymore. cooper used to be made here, but goodyear bought them recently out and transferred tire manufacturing offshore.
  13. 24 inch tires are getting very hard to find. a friend has been slowly converting his 8 trucks from 12-24 tires to 11/24.5. tires are 1/4 the price. he has 6 done already and is collecting parts to finish the other 2. he still has 8 new 12-24 front runners and 16 or 20 12-24 recaps but they will be sold when he gets the other trucks converted.
  14. why do liberals always confuse Trump with pedo joe?
  15. i think we are safe............at least for the next 4 years.
  16. hey now, take that back!!!! post here never get sent off the rails. switched to a different main line, hell yea, but never off track!!!
  17. i do not call it hyperinflation . i call it bidenomics. because EVERYTHING that clown touched turned to the dropping out of the southbound side of a northbound facing bull. as for egg prices raising 1,000% that is what happens when you kill off over 30 million egg laying chickens in less that one year. one bird is sick? ok kill the whole farm.
  18. not sure on the older 660, but my newer T880's have side directionals on the front fender above the front tires.
  19. i park the truck where the yard, office, and mailing address all the same. anywhere in Jersey, nu yawk city, long island, and southern Connecticut are our base of operations. but chase bank has not given us anything in Connecticut in around 5 years. same with long island. and we are trying ot cut out manhatten, brooklyn and queens, because it is not economically worth it to go there anymore with fuel, tolls, and asphalt costs.
  20. only time i ever did a log book was for that one trip. being local and under 100 miles from shop "as the crow flies" i am exempt from doing a log.
  21. yea, i saw that this morning and have a funny feeling it was some type of gas poisoning for all three to be found in the same place.
  22. and on top of that, us "old dogs" put those 3 million miles on trucks in 6 years in trucks with 150-190 HP, and 20 speed twin shifter stick transmissions......with armstrong steering, fixed seats, and no air conditioning. i did one coast to coast run..... coming out of california the other driver "said watch this" as we were coming over the rocky mountains.. and put the trans in neutral....we hit the bottom doing somewhere around 120 or 130 MPH. in cab over pete. he stopped for fuel in vegas and i got out of the cab, walked into the restaurant and called a taxi to take me to the airport. never went more than about 150 miles from home base in a truck again.
  23. hey now, take that back!!! he is only 149.
  24. yea, but she made the bed she ended up dying in. but like i said, at least my daughter knows i was not the bad person her mother always said i was.
  25. 30??? i beg your pardon! i have 53 years behind the wheel and climbing. i tried figuring out miles driven by miles on speedometers of trucks when i got out of them for a newer truck. i got a headache and stopped somewhere around 2,550,000 miles.
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