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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. definitely not a city use truck!!
  2. not a forgotten war here either. my father was a navy pilot during Korea, and was almost killed in a helicopter crash. he spent three years in Annapolis navel hospital.
  3. b model mack ac. the good old 2-45 units. 2 windows open at 45 miles per hour. 👍
  4. i could have used that on the job this afternoon.
  5. a lot of the concrete pumpers are on that type chassis here in the tri state region.
  6. i have been dealing with this for 2 1/2 months now. all stores and shops are on reduced hours or closed due to the "bad beer virus" so if i do not pack everything i need, i don't eat. everything is closed when i go out in the morning, and closed when i come home. got today off and went to the deli for the first time in 2 1/2 months. they all thought i moved out of town.
  7. i hope he dont have to go under any bridges or power lines!!!
  8. lookin good!!! 👍
  9. probably the oring was pinched when putting it together.
  10. actually, pedophiles are one step worse than comrade bernie/creapy joe supporters.
  11. very well worded reply..
  12. that is not a bad price at all, and i can't see it sitting very long.
  13. very nice. what was the sell price?
  14. same with the "U" model. made for city work where things got real tight real fast. first time i got into a "R" model i swore i was going to crash as i approached a toll booth. you don't realize how big that 12 inch or so offset is until you approach a tight space.
  15. link is no good.
  16. if nu yawk city pays produces 82% if it's income taxes, than why do they not have any money
  17. if you look at where that tax money comes from, and then where it is spent, NY would probably be able to cut it's tax rate by 75% if nu yawk city fell into the atlantic and floated away.
  18. that is why you should always drape something over the strap to hold it down if it breaks. i had a winch cable snap once, the blanket over the cable dropped it rite to the ground. i also saw a guy get cut almost in half when a cable snapped. he said "we don't need a cable blanket" about 45 seconds before he died.
  19. 84 is too far west. just make the cut at the hudson river.
  20. that is the way snatch straps are designed to work....sorta. give it about a foot or so of slack and go for it. as the strap stretches it builds tension and finally acts like a giant rubber band multiplying the pull force. . unfortunately people thing if one foot is good, 6 foot is better.
  21. it looked to me like they were using chains to pull it out, except for the snatch strap on the pickup.
  22. V8 gas engine by the hood ornaments, and probably a duplex or triplex trans. could not make out the shift pattern on the dash.
  23. i ran one of them back in the late 70's that had a 671 detroit and 15 speed trans.
  24. that was why the switch to NJM. for close to 75 years NJM was invite only. if you were not family member you were not invited to sign up. but over the past few years with less young drivers, they have change their policy to invite people with excellent records. i went from $1,943 per 6 months for a 250,000 police with liability on two of the three trucks to $1,784 for a 12 month 500,000 police with full coverage on all three trucks.
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