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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. don't forget, most slaves gatherers and traders were black. most slaves did not see a white man until they got to america and were bought by plantation owners.
  2. i pulled a lot of junk around central joisey with one of them way back in the good old days.
  3. about 5 year sago i had an entitled rectal orifice that would always park across my driveway blocking it every time she came to visit a neighbor. i left notes a few times, confronted her a few times, and finally called the cops. with three police officers standing there, i told her if she ever blocked my driveway again, i was just going ot push the car out of the way. a week later i came home after plowing for 42 hours to see the car across the driveway. i put the plow to the rear bumper, and pushed it a block away, leaving it in the middle of the road where it was not blocking anyone's driveway, but totally blocking the road. then put the truck in reverse and backed into the driveway and went to bed. someone came down the road and saw the car blocking it and called the cops about the abandoned car. she freaked out and threatened to sue me, but the cops told her she had no say in the matter, she was warned many times to not block my driveway, and you could clearly see where i started pushing it from. a week after that i went to go out and the car was there again. i put the plow truck in gear and pushed it across the street just as the same cop came down the road. she got a stack of tickets with that one, and stopped coming around after that. i have also had at least a dozen cars towed off my front yard over the past 25 years, people come to town for something down n the beach, see the nice parking spot in front of the house, and park their piece of crap on my front lawn.
  4. because the world owes them everything and they do not have to worry about their actions. someone will clean up the mess they make.
  5. twist in the frame in not usually an issue Larry. the bigger issue is the fact dump drivers very rarely wash the inside of the frame, so the dual frame gets full of dirt which turns to mud which turns to rust. i have seen 5 year old dump trucks with so much rust between the frame rails they were spread between 1/4 and 1/2 inch
  6. same thing here in joisey. newark, camden/trenton . and paterson decide what is good for the rest of the state. and since those three cities are 90% welfare, we get demoncrats, and sanctuary state status.
  7. i remember cardell very well. carmen jr, and the nestea boys. carmen and john. then there is rob nagy. and butch the driver. charles bell. i pulled many a load of asphalt out of the plants when i was driving for joe defino.
  8. Gallo asphalt, or Cardell Chuck? what was your dad's name ?
  9. remember when we used to be afraid of a jbhunt truck near us?? swift has made jbhunt look like professional drivers.
  10. was that Nagy dump heading north, or south? did you happen to notice who was hauling it? Ken normally buys, not sells old Macks.
  11. i am not a big fan of ground bearing trailers. had way too many episodes back in "the good old days" of the ground under the lift plate collapsing when trying to hook up.
  12. never said they were. just saying the country would be a better place if all three of them disappeared never to be heard of again..
  13. too bad he can't make it happen sooner!!
  14. my 05 was pretty much the same truck and it was 29,300 with full 120 gallons of fuel tank
  15. because like most salesmen, they want you to come in person
  16. most of those ramps are either spring loaded, or air piston power fold. ahd the spring loaded ramps only require about 30 lbs energy to flip.
  17. agreed. pushrods are supposed to spin, otherwise they would wear the ends flat. .
  18. same here rowdy, i don't have any money or brains. well, that is not exactly true. i have just enough money and brains to keep myself out of trouble.
  19. yes. when you have more money than brains, you can do almost anything you want to.
  20. since he posted this over two years ago, i am going to say he went and came back.
  21. yup. cruise off, then hit the set/resume button down one time and count the flashes of the light.
  22. you must be in kangarooland, cause everything is upside down. oh and to quote me old dad the postmaster, BAH HUMBUG!!
  23. yea, but so do politicians, lawyers, and bankers.
  24. nope, everyone would be on welfare
  25. and my opinion is even if trump is a fat head egotist, he is still the better choice than anything the demoncrats have offered in the past 12 years. and so far is the best choice for 2020.
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