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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. GMC also had a 707 inline six, but if remember correctly it was canceled around 1949-1950
  2. i would pull the lock, set the trailer brakes and try pulling away easily. it may pop loose.
  3. last night on the way in i saw a triaxle from nu yawk taking up the whole 12 foot lane. driver side front tire on one line, passenger rear on the other line 12 foot away. and he was loaded doing 65 mph, weaving in and out of lanes. i had to call the locals to get him off the road. he claimed there was nothing wrong with the truck, even after seeing video from police cars and my dash cam.. cops did not feel the same way, and had it impunded.
  4. i think you should open up a pig farm on the property closest to the town rich folk, that the wind will always blow through town.
  5. no need to go at night, they do the one wheel dirt bike thing during the day too. 30-40 strong.
  6. ^^^saying that is racist^^^ yesterday i was at the parents and saw on the news about a homeowner that was being charged with manslaughter after shooting and killing a career criminal that was armed and broke into his home. it should have been no charges due to self defense, but this is nu yawk where criminals are coddled and the law abiding are guilty of defending themselves.
  7. technicality. it is a pistol, that just happens to be able to accept a 410 shotgun cartridge.
  8. same here. back in 88 i heard a ford dealer 20 miles away just got in a diesel 4X4. when i got off work i grabbed my partner at the body shop and went to the ford dealer 20 miles away in a 66 dodge W300 with 750,000 miles on it. i walked in the front door covered in grease, he was covered in body filler dust and paint and we looked like someone drug us out of the gutter. told the salesman i wanted the white diesel parked out front and they started with the we don't think you can afford it crap. i asked how much and he said 19 grand. i told him i will give you 17 grand rite now. he said i will have to talk to the owner. a few minutes later the owner came out with the salesman and said we can not do that. i picked up the stack of hundred dollar bills and said see ya. when they realized i was talking CASH Now, things changed real fast and i became their best friend. i think what really made them soil their pants was when i removed my overalls before getting in the new truck to leave and they saw the 45 i was carrying. 😆
  9. i like to say it: united we stand, divided the democrats win.
  10. i think it may be an old "H" cummins of the 180-220 hp variety.
  11. it would be a real shame to scrap a blower driven cummins engine if it still ran.
  12. with that long rear overhang, you would need a ground support at the end of the bed/ramp connection point to keep the front end from going airborn when loading.
  13. no. that looks like an interspace teleportation way station.
  14. they are good units. the one we have at work already has close to 60,000 miles on it in 8 months. not one issue with it yet. plenty of power too. pulls a cat 262 skid loader with miller head , bucket, and sweeper head on the trailer with no problems at all.
  15. it is very possible the relay box is bad. is it a small electronic control box, or the large old fashioned relay box?
  16. this does not sound rite. on my electric tarps, there is two wires going to the motor. there is no ground to the body. the tarp motor is a simple DC motor. to reverse direction you reverse polarity of the power wires. when in cover position, power is on one terminal and ground is on the other. when in uncover position, power and grounds are reversed. the tarp motor works the same as a power window motor does.
  17. not all of them. most muslims are peaceful people. it is the islamic fanatics that are the terrorists.
  18. i was a child during the war years. and got a deferment to being drafted until i got out of school. my number was pulled, but i did not have to go. then the draft ended three days before graduation so i got a pass. 6 guys from my class that also got their number pulled did not use the deferment, and went off to vietnam, 5 did not came back alive. the 6th was so badly injured he committed suicide about 3 years later.
  19. we ran cab over freightshakers so we could pull rite up to the trailer in front of us to keep the animals out of the trailers. it was a dangerous place for sure. one of the favorite things the thieves did was look for over the road drivers sleeping. they would put 6X6's under the inside tires. then bang on the door waking the driver up . "you are blocking me, can you pull up 10 feet? " the half asleep driver would not notice the pull up on the blocks. ground monkey would say "thats good, thanks" driver would climb back into the bunk and go back to sleep. only to wake up in the morning to unload and find the 8 outside tires and rims gone.
  20. i wonder what those boats cost?
  21. remember the big power pole on the right corner leaving the market? i wiped at least a dozen people off the side of my trailer trying to get into the side door with that pole. one time i had a guy pop the door and climb into the empty trailer as i was leaving after dropping a load there. the guy behind me had his helper jump out and close/lock the door, then called me on the CB telling me what was up. the next light i fired up the reefer and set it at 35 degrees, then took a nice slow ride out to scranton before stopping and opening the rear door. that guy was damn near a popsicle. i gave him the option of getting out, or riding back with the reefer set at 10 below.
  22. it would be more betterrer for the country to put AOC in the boat and use it for target practice.
  23. yup. Stavola is still running the yellow/black Macks. Traprock still has the yellow/black Macks too.
  24. it is obvious you have not been on the Cross Bronx, BQE, or Northern Blvd is a while. they are able to strip a car while "moving" because the top speed on any of those three roads is only 1/2 mile per hour. and that is at 2 am when there is no traffic. i was on Northern last month. took me 45 minutes to go one block.
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