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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. would you care to let us that have no idea what you are talking about know what you are talking about?
  3. lets just drop it before this thread gets locked please? remember, beating a dead horse only gives you a big mess that someone eventually has to clean up
  4. hold your cursor over the users name. on the bottom of the popup you will see ignore user.
  5. if enough people ignore a person long enough they will eventually go away.. if what she says bothers you, put her on your ignore user list. it really really works.
  6. many hundreds of thousands of them were made. very good local use dump trucks.
  7. exactly. i had a "safety inspector" open the door of my truck, and try to throw me off the job because i was not wearing mask, safety vest, steel toe boots, hard hat, and safety glasses. i asked him if he ever saw me get out off the truck. his reply was no. my reply was then go have sexual intercourse with yourself.
  8. because the goobermint says to wear them. and the sheeple do whatever the goobermint tells then to do .
  9. class of 74 here. my number was pulled, but the draft ended the day my number was pulled in 75 so they did not take me.
  10. exactly. in my experience on other forums if you ignore those types, they will eventually go away.
  11. "Drivel" is not the first word that came to my mind.
  12. well, i finally had to add a person to my ignore user list. when a person gets banned, they should not be allowed back on with another name.
  13. but that was black on black crime. and Black Lies Matter is only concerned with blacks killed by white police officers. black on black crime does not matter.
  14. the sheitstorm we are in these past 3 years is not about race, it is about getting rid of trump. the career politicians will stop at nothing, including ruining the united states to get rid of trump. that is why this coming november, it is the job of every citizen of this once great country to fire every one of those career politicians and put non politicians in office that care about what they can do for the citizens, not what the citizens can do for them
  15. that's racist talk rite there!! and i agree with you. 👍
  16. don't drive drunk, don't have problems with police. simple to understand............unless you are to stupid to use common sense.
  17. i have run into officers that were having bad days. and some that were just pricks. but i am still polite to them. i was once in their shoes and know what it is like. and ya know what? even the askwholes that gave me tickets remembered me come court day and agreed with prosecutor to cut me slack. what always stuck out was me offering to shake their hand when we were done and telling them to be safe and wishing that had a good rest of their day.
  18. local police officer was in the store i stopped at this am. i walked up to the register and tossed the girl my credit card and said his money is no good, put it on this...... you should have seen the looks i got from a few of the younger askwholes in the store. screw them. i once wore the uniform a long long time ago, and remember what it was like to be appreciated and thanked for doing a sheitty job.
  19. i don't like being 80,000, let alone 90 or 112
  20. that is why it is BLACK LIES MATTER NOT black lives. black lives only matter if they are killed by white police man while committing a crime. if they are killed by another black man it is just what happens in the ghetto.
  21. when? easy. that will happen when you get rid of democrats and welfare.
  22. about 35 years ago a local here in joisey ordered a new DM 800 dump truck with cummins engine. it came from factory with an intercooler in front of the radiator.
  23. you forgot to mention wearing flip flops. they are now the proper footwear for todays supertrucker
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