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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. you forgot this: and dim to half power when another car is coming the other way or is in front of them, because the drivers are too freaking stupid to turn the high beams off and not blind everyone else on the road.
  2. i think the paint scheme and door emblem are what is drawing you into thinking you saw it before Vlad. it looks very familiar to me too, but i was not in massachoosits back then there was a company here in New Jersey that had similar color and door emblem. but at the present time i can not remember who it was.
  3. that chain looks stretched to me. probably needs a link or two removed, it looks very close to the ground.
  4. or both ends facing the same direction........
  5. under body hoist was the standard for trucks here before around late 70's. allowed for more capacity in body because of no "doghouse "for the piston to sit in.
  6. we have problems with those idiots here in town too. town ordinance is no commercial vehicles registered over 10,000 lbs parked on street between 9 pm and 7 am. so htey started parking in parking lots. owners of the lots. had to post for customer use only, and no overnight parking to get rid of all the trucks. then they started parking in the pubic lot for the waterfront park. so the county had to post no vehicles over 10,000 lb parking. then they started parking on the empty building lots on the highway. so we started dumping dirt along the rite of way to block the lots. and put no trespassing signs up. well, one idiot with a car carrier parked there anyway, and ended up damaging the cars on the trailer after he twisted the trailer backing over the dirt pile. he knocked down what signs he could, and pulled out the rest. he then had the balls to file suite in court for the damage to the cars, claiming we illegally blocked access to the property and also claimed he was grandfathered parking there because he had been doing it before the signs were put up. .. needless to say, he lost. the police now just automatically tow anything with commercial plates that is parked anywhere in town. the idiots are finally starting to get the hint not to park here in town, unless it is on their own property.
  7. i would have left the sleeper off so the bed would be usable. 10.5 plus 3 foot beaver tail is only good for minicars and motorcycles.
  8. ^^^ yup^^^ it is everyones fault except for the poor innocent dirtbag that pulled the trigger.
  9. funny thing is, if you show that picture to people they think it is my nephew. we bust his chops that all he has to look forward to when getting older is looking like me.
  10. ain't that the truth!!! i went from this: to this!!:
  11. it is not on the truck, he said he has one on the side he would add for extra money.
  12. put 25 ton in the box and try keeping up with highway speeds in mountains and you will understand why 370HP and an 8ll in not a good combo. you will be doing 20mph on the shoulder while everyone is winging past you at 55-60 mph.
  13. pretty much the same here, almost all fuel oil trucks these days are f-liners or international. a lit of the single axle dump truck contractors are going back to ford 650-750 trucks with the 6.7 and 5 speed auto trans. J.F.Keily just ordered a whole fleet of them, switching back from internationals. they just had too many problems with the cornbinders.
  14. sure does....... a little tidbit of trivia. Bristol Donald no longer makes dump bodies. a friend got the last one two years ago. they now install prefabricated bodies, mostly Bibeau, Beauroc, and Ox.
  15. i don't care about Europe, or their magazines, or what they do or write. i am an American truck driver in America.
  16. a friend has a 6.7 powered F750 with a 2000 gallon oil tank on the back and loves it. over 150k miles on it with no problems at all picking up waste oil
  17. it will be damn near impossible to tip that truck over when dumping on unstable ground!! never saw a 4 piston setup, usually 3 piston.
  18. i am talking real world with pre emissions trucks, not computer generated mileage predictions.
  19. probably because most steering wheel holders these days have problems with 5 or 8 speed trans, let alone a 13 or 18 speed. and as far as the myth that lower power engines/less gear trans trucks get better fuel mileage, we get over 7 mpg with my C-15 cat and 18 speed triaxle Kenworth W900 tractor and the T800 triaxle dump with 475 hp C-13 and 18 speed. another trucker in the yard has a Mack CL700 with a 15L cummins 600 hp and 18 speed, triaxle dump.he is also getting over 7 mpg with that truck. the same guy has a 99 RD Mack tandem with 350 and 8ll trans. that truck gets less than 4 mpg on the same runs as the triaxles.
  20. even if you will be running all flat ground, that truck will be an underpowered dog that will not be able to get out of its own way. and forget about using it in hilly terrain.
  21. with a price of $140 grand, my bet is a plain jane vulva throw away truck.
  22. the old scales were very easy to throw off, slight pressure of the thumb could make you 5,000 lbs overweight so you had to go tip off, or make you 5,000 lbs underweight so you would get busted at the state scales.
  23. i would look at the governor.
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