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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. my home phone has been outgoing calls only the past 4 years. cell phone is only turned on when i need to make a call. i have no use for phones 99% of the time
  2. first off, it depends what your state regulations are. some states will not let a truck that old work unless it is updated to pass current emissions regulations.
  3. ain't nothing more annoying than to hear a sheitbox with a fartcan on it screaming down the 25 mph road at 70-80 mph and 9 grand rpm, or rolling 5mph with all windows down while blasting 50,000 watts of "ghetto beat" at 2 am when you are trying to sleep. hell it is bad enough to hear them duting the day driving down the highway which is 1/4 mile away. and heavy, they are beautiful birds. i just don't to live anywhere near a flock of those freaking things again unless their soundboards have been removed first!!!
  4. anyone who grew up on a farm or near one that had peacocks would be the first ones to volunteer to shoot that freakin bird the second it made a peep in the airport let alone on the plane. they are just as deafening at 200 foot away as they are up close. and they are mean nasty birds that will attack you for no reason at all
  5. that makes about as much sense as all the centapede dump trucks you see listed with 300-350 hp engines and 18 speed trans. those trucks get 550 hp engines not 300's. unless you like shifting and burning unnecessary fuel.
  6. sweet!! my new T880 should be coming in about the same time i go off the disabled list from the shoulder rebuild
  7. watched the rain on the cctv for a while, then took a nap. screw then overpaid crybabies
  8. i have these on all my plow trucks. best investment i ever made.
  9. and their favorite saying is "do as i say, not as i do"
  10. i never said that, i felt and said to anyone that cared to listened that pos, the clintons, and all the rest of their cronies should have been held accountable for their lies for the past 8 years. only problem is no one cares to listen to anything i have to say because i am just another stupid truck driver.
  11. i liked that snowflakes rebuttal to the SOU address. basically he said "everyone deserves a trophy".
  12. fire the engine up and burp the trottle rolling the engine to where you want it.
  13. exacty Rowdy. term limits need to be set so we do not get lifetime leaches like we have now.
  14. the son of a seadog should be charged with treason and thrown in prison for the rest of his life, along with his bestest buddies the clintons, pelosie, schulmer, and frankenstein in commiefornia.
  15. ex president David.
  16. all i heard was train full of congressmen. i feel they ALL should be fired and replaced. then replaced regularly. no more than 8 years in office, just like all other politicians.
  17. i heard a train carrying congressmen to a "retreat" was struck by a train a few hours ago in Virginia. i hope the truck and it's driver are ok. and the congressmen were all instantly retired.
  18. a 5.9 powered F600 or larger truck is great. as long as you never put any weight in it. simply making it weigh 25k lbs to satisfy weight regulations as a crash attenuator truck will make it dangerous to pull out into traffic with. the 6.6 brazillian ford is way underpowered, and it is still a much better choice for an engine in a weight carying truck than the turd 5.9 is.
  19. the 450 and 550 trucks tend to be geared more for load pulling than fuel economy.
  20. while they used a "pickup style cab" a pickup cab will not work with out modifications. different steering column position through the firewall, different cab mount holes, different pedal assembly, different wiring harness, and a few other differences. they can be made to work with about 5-6 hours modification though.
  21. the cabs are close, but not quite the same. but yes a lund visor from a pickup will work. and they were availably with the 6.6 and 7.8 Ford six cylinders along with the Cat engines.
  22. looks good. except the piktur was posted bass ackwards, cause the steering wheel thingy is on the wrong side of the truck!!!
  23. welcome to the site. whenever that happened on our trucks, it was a sign the bushings were wore out and needed replacing.
  24. ain't the trucks down under thick with green leakers? maybe one of our down under fellers can post up some specs
  25. i have a DP tuner F5 chip in my 02. 99.99% of the time it is in 80 econo tune. made a world of difference in how the truck runs and trans lockup. currently has 194,000 miles on it. there is a world of info in the 94.5-97 7.3 powerstroke and the 99-03 7.3 powerstroke section at www.ford-trucks.com
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