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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. The funny part is they waited too long to kick him to the curb. It is already past time to put someone on the ballots for November votes. So they are stuck with him on the ballot, unless they kill him. I mean unless he suddenly dies.
  2. He is hiding in his cellar.
  3. this post is verging on spam. and spam is not allowed on this site. this site is about mack trucks, not video editing.
  4. IDI injector pumps and injectors are only good for around 175k miles at best, more realistic they should be changed between 125-150kmiles. and putting new injectors in with a worn pump will speed up pump deterioration. i am looking at having to replace the pump and injectors again in my 88 soon.
  5. latest reports say 11 shots from three different guns.
  6. close Bob, but not quite rite: "when you are up to your armpits in alligators, it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp.."
  7. that is just a poor rebuilder. there are really only two people i would ever get an injector pump from anymore. Justin from R&D diesel, or Mel from moose pumps. once upon a time Pensicola diesel was good, but their rep has gone below the sewer pipes the past 10 years or so. people on the ford truck site have reported their engines running worse after installing a Pensicola "rebuilt" pump than it did before they tool the old worn out one off.
  8. Well I did stay at holiday Inn express last night . 😁
  9. Nope. Hiding him so he does not embarrass his handlers .......again
  10. my 88 IDI has had a banks turbo on it since new. was put on three weeks after i got it. it is a completely different animal after the turbo. keeps up with and sometimes passes stock 94-97 powerstrokes. flywheel left the building around 200k miles. the automatic i put in now has almost 300k miles on it. gets fluid service every 30k miles. at the last job we had around ford pickups, about equal numbers 7.3 and 6.0. one 6.4. all 4X4 with auto trans. they all had over 400k miles on them, with the 7.3's pushing closer to 600k miles. all were factory stock except one 6.0 truck that had a computer die 120 miles from home shop. was towed to local ford dealer and had a new computer installed. the 6.4 was a different story. the crank snapped at 45k miles. ford denied warranty because they did not do service on it. bought a short block, changed it and got rid of it.
  11. Larry, i think it was 03 with the 6.0 that got cats, unless it was a california truck.my 02 did not have a cat on it when i got it. i ran muffler delete on the 02, and the 44 had 3 inch pipe from turbo outlet to a t/y pipe under the cab, then 3 inch to front of bed on each side to 4 inch stacks. thet 88 would make most big trucks tuck tail and hide when i was on it. and letting off the throttle at 3200 down to around 1600 sounded like i had a jake set on full kill. people could here me coming from 1/2 mile away if conditions were rite.
  12. there is so much disinformation going on rite now i don't know what to believe any more. the stories have changed YET AGAIN
  13. i do not disagree with you. was just pointing out that the now famous "SS snipers" picture is actually local police swat team , not secret service.
  14. after reading another article, i had to do some research of my own. look closely at the picture of the "secret service snipers" apparently all the "i was ordered to stand down" stories are bullshnizzle. the snipers are police swat snipers, not SS.
  15. they want to keep EGT below 1200 degrees. under 1100 is much better. with that said, i have seen 1500 a few times in my 02, but only for a second or two. i will not let my 88 7.3IDI go over 1100 degrees. even if the engine has no pipes at all, the manifolds will stay hot enough to heat any air that gets in before it does any damage to the valves. we bought an irrigation pump on the farm back in 72 or 73 with a desoto hemi in it. the exhaust manifolds were rotted out rite above one of the center cylinders on each side. we would put 10 gallons of gas in it and fire it up. then let it run until it ran out of gas. it had an oil pressure switch that turned off the ignition with no oil pressure. so to fire it up you held the ignition bypass until it showed oil pressure, than walk away from it. that pump has run over 50 years like that, and never burned a valve. the guy that bought it still runs it that way
  16. my 88 ran straight pipes for 450,000 miles. the 02 ran straight pipes for close to 260,000 miles. both trucks were rode hard and put away wet every day. no muffler on a diesel actually makes it run better.
  17. someone need to commit mad maxine to a perminant psychiatric care facility
  18. From other kids at his school. And the night of the shooting before the media blackout.
  19. Supposedly the kid was bullied all through school, had no friends, and was an antifa active with 4 or 4 arrests. Also the SS sniper reported the kid on the roof with a gun 3 minutes before shooting started, and was ordered to stand down.. He was fired for dissobeying a direct order for taking the shot after being told to stand down.
  20. Oh,ok. I don't pay attention to pedojoe, do not watch him on TV if th TV is on, and turn off whatever is on if he starts talking.. I dispise politicians.
  21. watcho talkinbout willis?
  22. i sure hope not. if it is, a whole lot of innocent people are going to die at the hands of a few. we should rather hunt down the few paying for all this violence, try and convict them of crimes against humanity, strip them of all belongings and monies and put it into the government coffers, than strip them naked, cover them with honey, and stake them down on top of a fire ant nest.
  23. unfortunately at least one innocent person behind him was killed.
  24. confirmed one person behind him killed and possibly another critical condition. last i saw all news feeds are cut off at site, so everything other that first reports is just speculation. i am thinking the person being carried away was the injured person, not the one killed.
  25. someone tried to kill Trump at the PA rally at around 6 pm. he turned his head just in time for a direct hit miss, but was hit in the right ear according to reports. also, at least one person behind his is reported as being killed. a second video shows a man and woman behind him going down just before Trump goes down. you can hear 5 shots, than 3 more and someone saying shooter is down. a third video shows two PA troopers carrying a body away.
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