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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. best radio i ever had besides the Galaxies was a SBE sidebander II put a texas star 400 on top of it and i could talk 250 miles.
  2. i have one of those radios in my 78 F350 trailer special.
  3. i remember that race. it was the last one i worked at raceway park before i had my big wreck that broke my neck, forcing me to have to leave the police department. a lot of the other truckers gave me crap for bringing the 49 L-190 international tractor to show off because it had a gas engine and not a diesel.
  4. i really want to mess with the joisey troopers by hanging a "gun free zone" placard on the dash of the truck one of these days.
  5. found it on youtube. when i get one of the pacer idiots, i give them 2-3 minutes of riding along side me with my blinker on matching my speed as i slow down and speed up to get past them. after that if they do not move i gradually move over to give them the hint to move, or i will run them off the road. i had a trooper pull over a dipstick that paced me in the right lane for 2 miles with my right blinker on after i moved over to let the dipstick merge. . i was getting ready to run him off the road because the exit i needed to jump off at was 1/4 mile away when the trooper pulled him over and gave him a ticket for failure to merge. we went from 40 to 75 a few times in a 55 mph zone too.
  6. anyone have the video without having to be an optimum subscriber?
  7. at first i thought it was one of them pontoon style party boats, but on closer inspection i now think it is a big hot tub.
  8. agreed. you do not need to use all the gears. you can probably do fine by putting the aux trans in direct and just shifting the main trans.
  9. what is the trans combo, i see three sticks in it. i learned to drive on sorta the same truck, a 49 L190 single axle tractor with the big gas six cylinder and a quad box. took my road test in it, and drove that old girl as a daily driver until i was 19, when i bought a 65 dodge W-300
  10. it really depends on the area of the country you are in as to what the axle between the drives and cab is called. but technically it is a pusher, and when behind the drives it is called a tag.
  11. on mine it was the wire going into the plug that plugged into the panel. i unpinned it and re-soldered the ground wire into the pin, then put the pin back into the plug. solved the problem, and that was almost 2 years ago.
  12. probably still will run with fresh gas.
  13. ebay link is no good
  14. i remember back in 88 before the bottom fell out of trucking we were getting $55 per hour for tandem dumps. then the immigrants came here and started buying deathtraps out of junkyards and working for $20-25 per hour. it took close to 20 years to get the price back up to livable rates. even now it is hard to get $85 per hour for a triaxle. and everyone wants new trucks on the job, but do not want to pay for them. how do they expect you to afford a new $200K+ truck when they only want to pay $75 per hour?
  15. actually, that truck is legal for 80k in new yawk too, if it is registered for it. i have apportioned plates on my truck and am legal for 80k in all states. but i am only legal for 54k over the bridges. the lift axle only bounces on braking if you are not intelligent enough to properly set it. i keep mine set at 70 lbs or so and have no problem. but i see others that set the lift axle at 30-40 psi and the axle hops all over the place every time they hit the brakes.
  16. why? because the animals want "one of their own" on money to make them feel worthy
  17. to get more speed from a trans swap, you will need a trans with an overdrive gear. or change the rear gear ratio.
  18. just saw this on govdeals.com : https://www.govdeals.com/index.cfm?fa=Main.Item&itemid=67&acctid=2755#media shows chassis # 95 LS 1317. 20,881 miles needs an engine, they say it has a hole in the block. truck is in Ft Lee NJ. auction ends 4/18/2016, current bid is $1,600
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  19. in the front where a grill belongs, silly!!
  20. i think with some paint, a little body work to repair rust issues, and maybe get rid of the rear fins and i would run that around to swap meets as a weekend hangout rig.
  21. on the corner of Doremus Ave and Roanoak St. cream cab, black body. it is at Devinos truck salvage. apparently it has been for sale at Tully Constructions yard on Rt 1 in new jersey for the past 25 years for $20,000, and was moved to Devinos a few years ago. looks like it is still in decent shape except for the faded paint with minor surface rust, and the hood, that looks like a gorilla was doing jumping jacks on it. next time i go up there i will try to remember to bring a camera and take a few pictures
  22. according to the mack museum guy all 4X4's were for ups. and a bum knee is no fun. i just finally had mine replaced after 6 years of pain so bad i could not step on the clutch.
  23. here is one thread on them: another one:
  24. that is the exact reason. a vibratory roller will destroy the old soft concrete underlay roadway. a triple drum roller "pinches" the seams. some states even go so far as to require smooth tire rollers that have 15-20 tires on each end instead of large steel drums. the tires are liquid filled, and then there is a large box on the frame where you put weights to make the machine heavier.
  25. and then the civil war will start after they all realize a person was appointed president even though someone else won the election by votes.
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