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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. you need to me a member and logged in to open the link.
  2. anyone ever converted the granite heater control valve from electric motor to cable? the one in my 05 is bad, and i really don't feel like putting another motor in it for it to only go bad again.
  3. i got so pissed off at ethenol crap ruining 3 string trimmers i gave up on them and got an electric one. ethenol gas gets a double dose of stabil, and a double dose of marine stabil. i still have 2 1 gallon containers of this mix in the garage as a "test bed" that is a little over 2 years old and still good. but i usually use it after no more than 12 months. i always have at least 10 gallons in the garage to power the 2 10 KW gensets and the gas welders. a;; units running will make just about 32 KW. if power goes out i use around 5 gallons per hour if everything is running, but i usually only run 1 10 k unit at around 1 gph. and the gen sets always get the fuel disconnect and carbs run dry to prevent varnishing of the fuel bowls.
  4. petvert, not a pervert.
  5. interesting he can get 2500 out of it, i thought these engines were goverened at 2200.
  6. a freind picked up a used 2103 CX713, it did not come with a radio in it. the wiring is there though. he asked me if i could set him up with a radio and CB. i have a CB and antenna setup already for it, just need to pick up a radio. anyone know what mack gets for a radio already wired for the truck?
  7. i agree on the caddy or gm engine. and it also has a GM brake booster and master cylinder in it.
  8. thanks. the truck sat for over a year before we got it, and i think a wasp made a nest in the drain tube.
  9. anyone know where the AC drain is on the Granite? mine is starting to overflow on the floor, so i am thinking the drain is plugged up.
  10. sorry, no. that was back in 91 and 92. all my pictures and negatives from the old days were destroyed in a flood back in 95. the worst part about them dang things was the fact that the drivers compartment was on top of and wrapped by the 175 gallon hydraulic tank. 10 degrees outside and when you fired it up in the am you were wearing a subzero snow suit. 1/2 hour later you were stripped down to a pair of shorts and t shirt with the windows and door open, and still sweating your cajones off.
  11. years ago we had 2 TS32's we used on the widening of the new jersey turnpike project. they were rock pans. weighed around 95 ton if i remember correctly. 12V71 detroit in the front, and 8V71 int he rear with alison electric shift transmissions.
  12. if you enlarge the picture the green tag on hte driver side tank says ultra low sulfur diesel fuel only. so as was already said, the passenger side tank is probablt for the rear mount crane
  13. that looks very clean. i wonder what they want for it?
  14. trust hitlery??? i would net even trust that lying witch to sweep the floor in her cell in a maximum security solitary confinement prison block. obummer put america in the toilet. hitlery if elected will flush the toilet.
  15. looks like it is for tractor use like pulling a scraper. there is no boom or counterbalance weights like a cable layer would use, and there are no gimbles for mounting a blade to.
  16. here in New Jersey we are lucky that the only swift trucks we see are mostly on the turnpike or Rt#80 passing through the state. our biggest problem is JBHunt. they make the swift drivers look like professionals. JBHunt hires most of their drivers from smith and solomon driving school. which as of late has a 1 in 10 pass to fail rate of drivers taking their road test after going through the "training". but i swear they hire the rejects, not the ones that pass. it should get very interesting here after the firs tof next month when the new rules for driver testing start. besided the regular course, you will have to parallel park. they measure the rig, add 15 feet, and you only get 2 chances to park in the space.
  17. if the AC is working, then it is not high pressure and you can rule out the air conditioning circuit. . whether the AC is turned on or off, if pressure is too high, the fan will stay on all the time. it could very well be a bad computer. i was just looking for other ways to pinpoint it.
  18. same thing the granite was doing. high AC high side pressure, bad coolant temp sensor, bad computer ground, and an air leak will cause the fan to stay on. does the air conditioner work?
  19. on my 05 granite it is on the firewall, top passenger side. looks like this: my problem was an air leak. once we replaced the leaking 1/2 inch synflex line the fan started working properly again. for a temporary fix, i would add a ground wire to the air switch and run it into the cab to a toggle switch you can control. when you see the temp rise to 180 or 200º flip the switch to turn the fan on. once it cools off, turn the swich of.
  20. look for the electric over air fan controller. 2 wires go into it. one is 12 volts all the time, the other is a switched ground from the computer. jump the ground side to a good electrical ground and see if the fan clutch shuts off. if it does not, the problem is with the electric over air controller. if it does shut off, check the pressure in the high side of the air conditioning . if it is over 260-270 lbs, the fan clutch will stay locked up. high side pressure should only be between 150-200 lbs.
  21. agreed. or it was a home made trailer.
  22. i always was under the understanding that "stupid" and j b hunt went hand in hand. the same way if you put a 1 foot square patch of ice on the road surface, 6 swift drivers will find it and slide off the road.
  23. car fax is useless. it will only show a problem if it is reported. and it appears nothing was ever reported as being a problem with this truck.
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