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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. Salsbury Ukraine!! 😆 said something about wanting a V8 superliner or R model, and was willing to trade a running KB7 and cash.
  2. you in trouble now JoJo. we got another member from Salisbury
  3. screw the rainbow.... pink with purple polka dots makes more sense.
  4. i think you should paint it pink, with purple polka dots... you will have the only one on the planet!!!
  5. because this thread is one big train wreck. trying to make sense of it will only give you a headache... 🤣
  6. this is how i became a trucker. my older brother decided he was superman and wanted to throw 100 lb bales all day. i was 13 and proved i could drive the 49 International L-190 with the 501 CI Red diamond engine and quad box trans. i would run the loaded trailers to the barn and swap them out for emptys. i never threw another bale of hay after that. and got the job of driving that truck everywhere. by fall i was delivering grain to the co-op 40 miles away.
  7. no biggie. i will take the looker that cant cook. i am a good cook. 😁
  8. i have seen them on trucks here in New Jersey, but it was a LONG time ago.
  9. Hey now, I resemble that remark!!!
  10. either regear, or add an overdrive unit.
  11. he stays overnight anyway. i dont.
  12. my brother has an electric mustang. it took him 3 days to drive from union nj to charlstown sc. 750 miles roughly. had to stop three times to charge as he only gets around 275 miles per charge. when he worked in trenton he could just barely get there and back home. going to atlantic city was a two day trip, he had to stay overnight to recharge the car. not my cup of tea. i want to be able to decide when to stop myself.
  13. last time i rode a drunk crossed over into my lane, forcing me off road. i just barely missed a BIG oak tree. i had been in 4 other accidents on bikes before that, all my fault. and a bunch of close calls that were not my fault. after that off-road adventure, i went straight home and sold the bike. ...never been on one since. that was 45 years ago.
  14. ip address is Moscow Russia
  15. Trick it out with bigger pump, bigger injectors, engine brake, turbo intercooler, meth/water injection. You could compare it to a 5.9 Cummings. " it makes 900 HP, and gets 47 mpg!!"🤣
  16. dont tell that to the rednecks that put 2 ton of stone or dirt in their 1500 silverados or their 1500 rams. and than drive 20 miles to purrty up the double wide when visitors come over.
  17. Mehhh it is only around 1000 miles...each way! Fire up one of the pickups, grab she who must be obeyed, and shout ROAD TRIP!!! 😁😁
  18. that thing must be made of solid gold!!! the bids are up to $12.50 🤣
  19. wow!! i just filled up this am at $3.57 per gallon for regular. i was going to stop friday but there was a very long line....friday regular was $3.19
  20. no no no.... didn't you get the memo? EV's fun on fairy dandruff and unicorn farts!!!!!
  21. agreed. only thing i would change would be to go with air park chambers and get rid of the hand brake.
  22. with the $1 per mile surcharge on electric vehicles.
  23. Joey, did you see the latest ones i "lost"?
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