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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. If you go to family parties looking for a date.......you may be a redneck.😁
  2. OK. The yard I am thiking of is in the same area.
  3. this very well could be your guy Vlad. i know the yard, but can not think where it is. it looks like there is a LJ next to it, and an international in front of it.
  4. here ya go Vlad, just for you!! B-70, 707 Gas, Triplex transmission, Garwood winch - does not run, as is where is
  5. nope. the purge was in 2020, his last post was in march 19 2022, about 6 months after he sold that truck.
  6. yup, that was one of Jeff's classics Bob. another one of his classics was "if your porch collapses and kills 5 dogs, you may be a redneck"
  7. while not in a real make money shop, i have been "the old timer" here on my neighborhood for the past 25 years or so. even when i was a young know it all askwhole in the body shop, i tried to teach the new guys the tricks i learned to do it rite, but easier. unfortunately the new kids just don't want to learn. one of my first real students now works for Caterpillar Entertainment systems as a diesel generator technician. he flies all over the world to babysit very large gensets, and repair when needed. he was in Saudi Arabia for 2 months for the world cup,, and just last week he was in New Orleans for three weeks for a jazz festival. and he still calls me to ask questions when he gets in a spot he is not sure on.
  8. ii very rarely go out on truck rental. but when i do i drive just like i am working for my company. slow and safe. first time with a company they would bitch and moan because i was getting passed by trucks. go faster!!!. nope. if you dont like the way i drive sign me out. yet at the end of the day i usually end up doing one or two more loads than everyone else, because i do not take 45 minute coffee breaks and 1.5 hour lunches. i grab my food/drinks and go, eating while driving or while sitting on the job waiting to load or unload.
  9. why should you do it? because no one gives a damn about quality of work anymore. it is all about getting it done as fast and cheaply as possible.
  10. true, but you hillbillys very rarely sell them!!!
  11. just saw this on bookface, i have no connection to it https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/5386322341470973/?ref=product_details&referral_code=marketplace_top_picks&referral_story_type=top_picks
  12. Fixed it Fer ya! 😁
  13. Pictures show, but not running video.
  14. what are you going to do with that little toothpick Paul?
  15. the T800 was made for midgets. i could open the passenger door from the driver seat. the T880 cab is twice the size of the T800 cab. i am 6'1" and 290 lbs. the t800 tore up my hips and knees. as far as being made for off road use, it is all how it is built. our trucks are built for off road use, not on road. 565HP cummins engine instead of paccar engine. allison RDS4500 trans instead of the eaton fuller autoshift. heavy axles with 4.56 gears. most order with paccar engines, small axles, and 3.90 highway gears. my truck tops out at 65 mph, my friends 13 trucks will do over 100 if they push them.
  16. Give them fentanal and heroin.demonrats say the are safe to use recereationally
  17. please don"t. the demonrats would then push for more evil gun bans to prevent stupid people from shooting each other because guns kill, people don't.
  18. i love my new Kenworth T880 as i am in my twilight years, but i will always have a soft spot in my heart for the Mack R-688. in my youth i started in a 49 International L-190. than moved to a Mack B-815, than a 79 DM-800. than in 85 a new 85 DM-800. i put close to 500k miles on those two DM's in 88 i got a brand new R-688. and i put almost 1 million miles on 688's over the next 20 years. in 09 i got a 2 year old CV-713. in 2010 i switched companies after the other one went bankrupt due to the owner going to prison for bribing federal inspectors. i moved into a 99 R-688. ran that one for 4 years and than back into a 05 CV713. in 2016 we sold that and i went into a 2010 Kenworth T880. in 2019 we sold that and i went into a new T880. last september we sold that one for $20G more than we paid for it with 75k miles on it and i moved into the new 2022 T880. of my over 2 million miles driven, over 1.5 million were in macks.
  19. only reason i have them in the trucks is communication with asphalt plants and loaders in quarries. and a lot of quarries are removing CB's from the loaders the past 2-3 years.
  20. the way it was explained to me by a retired deputy chief, it was to see up in the tight confines of the city. with a closed cab you had to step out on the running board to look up.
  21. most aleady don't know what it is for. my friend has a bunch of "kids" in his trucks. they use the phone to talk to each other, even though they are 50 foot apart on the job. when asked why they dont answer the CB, they look at like a deer in the headlights. point to it, and they say oh that thing??? it was making noise so i turned it off.
  22. not mine.... mine runs on two stroke oil and 115 octane gas.
  23. everything will be fine. they are currently changing all the power plants to run on unicorn farts and fairy dandruff. this has been proven to work wherever it has been done.
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