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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. Give them fentanal and heroin.demonrats say the are safe to use recereationally
  2. please don"t. the demonrats would then push for more evil gun bans to prevent stupid people from shooting each other because guns kill, people don't.
  3. i love my new Kenworth T880 as i am in my twilight years, but i will always have a soft spot in my heart for the Mack R-688. in my youth i started in a 49 International L-190. than moved to a Mack B-815, than a 79 DM-800. than in 85 a new 85 DM-800. i put close to 500k miles on those two DM's in 88 i got a brand new R-688. and i put almost 1 million miles on 688's over the next 20 years. in 09 i got a 2 year old CV-713. in 2010 i switched companies after the other one went bankrupt due to the owner going to prison for bribing federal inspectors. i moved into a 99 R-688. ran that one for 4 years and than back into a 05 CV713. in 2016 we sold that and i went into a 2010 Kenworth T880. in 2019 we sold that and i went into a new T880. last september we sold that one for $20G more than we paid for it with 75k miles on it and i moved into the new 2022 T880. of my over 2 million miles driven, over 1.5 million were in macks.
  4. only reason i have them in the trucks is communication with asphalt plants and loaders in quarries. and a lot of quarries are removing CB's from the loaders the past 2-3 years.
  5. the way it was explained to me by a retired deputy chief, it was to see up in the tight confines of the city. with a closed cab you had to step out on the running board to look up.
  6. most aleady don't know what it is for. my friend has a bunch of "kids" in his trucks. they use the phone to talk to each other, even though they are 50 foot apart on the job. when asked why they dont answer the CB, they look at like a deer in the headlights. point to it, and they say oh that thing??? it was making noise so i turned it off.
  7. not mine.... mine runs on two stroke oil and 115 octane gas.
  8. everything will be fine. they are currently changing all the power plants to run on unicorn farts and fairy dandruff. this has been proven to work wherever it has been done.
  9. They Could also be spammers fishing for victims
  10. that abortion has been for sale on bookface for about three months now..........that i know of.
  11. if it is open cold and closing as it warms up, the spring is on backwards.
  12. electric brakes.......yuck!!!
  13. we have a 60 ton low deck lowboy. it is primarily used for the milling machine, excavators, and large rollers. but when i have large loads of pavers and skidsteers going to a job, i can put 2 skids, the paver, and 2 smaller rollers on it in one shot. my tag along trailer is 30 foot deck and 25 ton capacity. i can put the paver, a small roller and a skid on that at one time. that combo puts me rite around 75,000 lbs.
  14. i have no issues because i load the trailer according to weight. light machine in front, heavy over axles, light on tail. if just one piece, it goes over axles. this usually gives me around 2,000 lbs hook weight. if i do have a full load of heavys, i will get a tad rear heavy and than have to watch power applied when turning. the tandem is a bit nose light empty without the trailer. so if loaded wrong i can lift the front wheels with too much power. i don't have that problem with the W900 or triaxle though.
  15. a friend runs the double coins. he has never had any issues with them. we run coopers because the dealer is next door to the old shop.
  16. yup. if the low boy is busy and all you have is a tag along trailer, hook up the spare tractor that is usually connected to the dump trailer with a pintle hook on it to the tag trailer and off you go. sometimes the dump truck is busy and not available.
  17. no problem at all as long as it was done properly. we have a 50 ton hook on the W900 tractor. it is mounted to 1 inch steel plate.
  18. i built the engine and trans for my falcon, and did all the body work. i AM farming the paint out though. same with the 79 F350, and the diesel pickup. except the engine in the diesel is original and no rebuild needed. so i can proudly say "i built them" the 7 litre convertible though, i may build the engine and farm out the remaining body work and paint. i am getting a little too old to be block sanding a car the size of a medium city.
  19. that is the exact reason we do not run recaps.
  20. HAD???she is still with him ,so it should read she HAS questionable taste... sorry, Bob, but i HAD to say it......... i mean really. the door was wide open... with no one guarding it.
  21. as said by bull, stock they are great. problem is ford tuned them to the upper limit of their power band. if you go any higher they will fail. that is why the international DT365 is rated 25 or so lower HP than the 6.0
  22. happy birthday JoJo. ya almost an old fart?
  23. i had wanted one for many many many years. then by chance i ran across that amazon unit. no more ether and grill lighter to mount tires in the winter anymore.
  24. i am pretty sure there are two bolts on the bottom too.
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