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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. where is the 53 LTL??
  2. Paul, Scania stopped sending trucks to the states for sale was back in 92 because they did want to meet EPA emissions standards person CAN import one, but the cost for shipping and meeting EPA emissions standards make it not worth the cost.
  3. no worries there Matt!!! i would never do something like that after a build on a troublesome issue like you had. ........ we only did it to each other on silly things. the trans deal with Al was that he was always pulling the trans to tinker with it, even if it worked perfectly. he liked to wire whistler bottle rockets to spark plug wires on my race car in the pits at the track.
  4. Joey, not only did i do it to my buddy Al on a few of his race cars, i would also do it to the lead mechanic in the body shop after i sold out to my partner. with Al it was extra special because he would not hear it until he was roasting a set of tires off the back of the car while i was sitting in the shop watching, trying not to spill my beer. and i get him every single time. 😁
  5. my favorite thing to do after trans install was zip ties on the driveshaft.....sometimes with a 1/4 20 nut on the end to hit the floorboards.
  6. miller lite.... yuck!!! if i drink beer, it is Pabst Blue Ribbon.
  7. very interesting. i saw that exact same picture being use the other day in a for sale ad for a 68 R600. i will have to see if i can find it again.
  8. he DID NOT FALL. global warming shifted the stage out from under him.......
  9. philips tip puts a swirl in it, straight blade is used for extra sugar.
  10. i would like to know where these new steering wheel holders are taking their drivers tests. we are having AT LEAST one roll over wreck per day here in New Jersey. and yesterday an 18 year old made an illegal left through the center divider instead of going through the jug handle, rite into the path of a loaded triaxle. by multiple witness accounts, less than 50 foot from the truck doing 45 mph. girl was killed instantly, and put the steers of the truck in the air loosing steering. both vehicles finally stopped in a gas station on the far corner of the intersection, but not before taking out 1 pump, 1 canopy column, and the attendant kiosk
  11. They dont care Bob. Smash this one, I'll just get another one from insurance company.
  12. i am glad you added that YET. 🤣
  13. Well, I got my first "battle scar" in 17 years. A car made an illegal left turn from the right turn lane in my blind spot, and ended up across my front bumper. I pushed it about 100 feet before i heard tires screaching around 30 mph and saw the front poke out on he drivr ide of the hood. i stopped, and the car took off like a bat out of hades into oncoming traffic, then ran a red light and dissapeared. front bumper is scraped up, and tweaked both sides into the hood extensions instead of 1 inch away from them, passenger tire is stuffed, passenger side front of hood has tire scrape on it,and license plate is bent. aparently the car was rolling over, because this scuff on the hood frm the front tire is close to 3 foot off the ground. and I have full video of it happening.
  14. agreed they can take the "golden years" and stick it where the sun don't shine. artyritis is no ones friend. i have to have a coffee mug with handle anymore, because a regular toss away cup usually falls rite through my hands.
  15. that looks good Joey
  16. the rain the past two months has mad for an extra heavy crop of pollen this year. and it has been kicking my asterisk. so friday morning i took a generic for claritan..and had an allergic reaction to it... brought on a nasty bout of vertigo. took 3 days of meclizine to get rid of it. i think the 20 hours of sleep yesterday into this morning really helped..
  17. not for me. i have been sick since friday afternoon. finally feeling better today.
  18. yup. a trivia fact: Pat Benatar started singing opera, and took training in classic opera before switching to rock. she had (or has) a 5 octave range
  19. Pat Benatar was originally from Greenpoint section of Brooklyn
  20. once upon a time volvo made decent trucks. a friend had a 95 or 96 triaxle with 425 HP and 10 speed trans. power mirrors, power seats, good stereo, air ride, i drove it a few times helping him when his driver would call out.... we used to call it the family station wagon.
  21. what is that hiding behind the toy yoda with three tires on the back, a Brockway?
  22. the neighbors rotty is only good for getting in the way.............especially if you are trying to carry something heavy, or do something tedious that need all your attention.
  23. you are such a good doggy daddy!!!
  24. i don't blame them. i would not want them dirty hands touching my cookies either.
  25. your shop inspectors look bored.
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