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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. nope. a pint will make you feel real good. a quart will make you fall down. especially if it is ice cold, which is also the best way to drink it!
  2. i cut my apple pie shine 50% with apple cider. brings it down to about 85-90 proof.
  3. it is official, i am an old fart. i just signed up for Social Security Benefits. i was going to wait until i retire, but realized i will not retire until the day after my funeral. so what the hell, i might as well take the money while i can still use it.
  4. 12 volt will work on that 6 volt unit, but it will eventually. die. why not have a local rebuilder convert it? you can go from 6 volt positive ground to 12 volt negative ground, or leave it as a 12 pos unit. i would convert it and the truck to 12 volt negative ground though.
  5. i remove manifold if there is still some of the stud sticking out, and weld a larger nut to what is left of the stud. fill the whole center of the nut to get a good bond with the stud. while it is still hot start turning it back and forth with a wrench. once loose run it out. much easier than drilling and using easy outs.
  6. i had a 59 pontiac venture with tube radio. usually got where i was going before it warmed up enough to start making noise other than the hum.
  7. nope. hitlery is out of it. it is going to be buttplug and beetlejuice
  8. we called them centerfolds. a poster was a lot bigger, usually 2 foot by three foot
  9. i have a 128 gig thumb drive i use. it has about three weeks of music on it. combination of 60's and 70's rock, and 50's through 80's country music.
  10. same here. "oldies" these days is heavy metal from the 90's. i guess the new breed considers 50's like we had is what the flinstones listened to.
  11. yup, very large electrical switch and outlet manufacturer.
  12. we are talking about volvo here.. need you really ask such a silly question??
  13. i am really really thinking of taking a ride this weekend. only problem would be spending money that is earmarked for more important things, like new teeth. i got the hearing aides already, and money for the new glasses tomorrow is in pocket.
  14. saw this before. don't look like a bad truck for the price: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/782392586924288/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A87897e55-4c42-48b2-9b5b-277e66984b62
  15. Terry, that stems from a lawsuit against paccar in 17 or 18. a guy was doing over 85 when a front tire blew out and he wrecked. he sued Paccar for putting 65MPH rated tires on the truck , but having the speed limiter set at 85. fact he was running 20 mph over the speed limit did not matter. paccar lost the suit and next day said screw you and told all dealers speed limiter is to be set at steer tire max speed. people that bypass the speed limiter loose warranty now.
  16. yea i was. it is really 63.1
  17. well, i am safe because with my 63.4 IQ, i am still smarter than any demonrat, and possibly 95% of republican politicians too.
  18. yup, Brawndo, the thirst mutilator and all!!
  19. tell her remembering trucks from 50 years ago IS important. remembering birthdays and anniversaries is not. 😁
  20. Rowdy, i have been saying they are making "Idocracy" reality for the past 10 years or so.
  21. that proves what i say: some people are born stupid, others have to practice being stupid every day. me thinks the pickup driver is of the practice being stupid every day type.
  22. nope. Aussie slang single spinner is a 49-50 ford
  23. some people think they own pure gold, and everyone else is smoking crack...
  24. back in the old days, you could order your mack with whatever engine and trans you wanted. i have seen mack trucks with cat, cummins, detroit, scania, and duetz engines in them, all ordered that way. NYC sanitation ordered all their heavy haulers with cat engines and allison automatic transmissions
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