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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. saw this before. don't look like a bad truck for the price: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/782392586924288/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A87897e55-4c42-48b2-9b5b-277e66984b62
  2. Terry, that stems from a lawsuit against paccar in 17 or 18. a guy was doing over 85 when a front tire blew out and he wrecked. he sued Paccar for putting 65MPH rated tires on the truck , but having the speed limiter set at 85. fact he was running 20 mph over the speed limit did not matter. paccar lost the suit and next day said screw you and told all dealers speed limiter is to be set at steer tire max speed. people that bypass the speed limiter loose warranty now.
  3. yea i was. it is really 63.1
  4. well, i am safe because with my 63.4 IQ, i am still smarter than any demonrat, and possibly 95% of republican politicians too.
  5. yup, Brawndo, the thirst mutilator and all!!
  6. tell her remembering trucks from 50 years ago IS important. remembering birthdays and anniversaries is not. 😁
  7. Rowdy, i have been saying they are making "Idocracy" reality for the past 10 years or so.
  8. that proves what i say: some people are born stupid, others have to practice being stupid every day. me thinks the pickup driver is of the practice being stupid every day type.
  9. nope. Aussie slang single spinner is a 49-50 ford
  10. some people think they own pure gold, and everyone else is smoking crack...
  11. back in the old days, you could order your mack with whatever engine and trans you wanted. i have seen mack trucks with cat, cummins, detroit, scania, and duetz engines in them, all ordered that way. NYC sanitation ordered all their heavy haulers with cat engines and allison automatic transmissions
  12. without removing the pump, the only way to tell if it is seized is to try spinning it. if you can access the input shaft of the pump would be the best way. otherwise put the truck in pump at idle and gently slip the clutch to see if it spins or tries to stall the engine.
  13. it's a conspiracy to make you nuttier than squirrel turds...😁
  14. @Swishy why you no post the "train bridge" picture here? ya askeared we won't like it?
  15. from what i remember the first year for plastic dash was 1973.
  16. forget about "normal" for the next few years. the boss will have you doing so many renovations to make the new place "perfect" you will never have time to do anything.
  17. Paul, your dribble is still more entertaining than 99,9995% of the crap they put in tv these past 20 years or so. weren't you working on a tipper box last year?
  18. on the contrary, i am sure all of us know exactly how those two got where they are.
  19. but ya got to remember those people live like kings for $3-4 per hour pay. some places only pay 2-3 bucks a day for grunt work.
  20. yes sir. here an outfitter is a person that usually owns large land mass and runs paid hunts. he supplys everything except for clothes and guns.
  21. with a torch??? 🤣 i can just barely make a straight line with the plasma cutter anymore. 35-40 years ago i was very good with cutting torch, but than i got the plasma cutter and have only used 2 bottles of oxygen in 35 years. in the past 10 years i dont think i have fired up the plasma cutter but one time.
  22. a good "guide" or outfitter matches the horse to the rider. a very experienced rider gets a rowdy or rambunctious and hard to handle horse. an inexperienced rider gets the extremly tame horse that a 5 year old would feel safe on.
  23. moved to it's own thread.
  24. the word here in jersey is gov ratface is a flaming freaking @##&^%$ that does not know his asterisk from a hole in the ground. he is trying to make himself look good to the brain dead sheep. nothing will ever come of his stupidity, because by the time it is set to happen he will be long gone from state politics. besides, where is all this electricity going to come from to power everything once natural gas, coal, diesel and propane are banned? they are already in the process of banning wind farms.
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