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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. 50+ years ago when i went through the program it was seniors only.
  2. i don't think it..... i know the wicked witch ate the beautiful princess i married!
  3. Paul, here a vocational school" is high school where you do half day regular school classes, and the other half day trade classes. some also let you skip trade classes senior year and instead go to work in a shop of your trade.
  4. ya can cut even more time with a cat 994!!
  5. depending on the year that 580 may have a perkins engine in it.
  6. We do not have trucks to make money off of on rental. We have them for our own business. And by flipping every 5 years or so we get top dollar for them. Te only reason I go out on rental is if a friend is in a jam short on trucks. There is only 4 companies I will rent to.
  7. we are now at $110 per hour and travel time over 30 minutes for the triaxles.
  8. i see them here all the time too. 7-8 year old trucks with 5-800k mile on them for 150-200 grand. yea, smoke another bowl of crack. but i guess that is why people are willing to pony up new price for our trucks. besides the fact they know our trucks are maintained better than a "new" truck. oil gets changed every 3 months, which works out to around every 5-6 thousand miles.
  9. i agree. that is why we are waiting for the price to come down more. the 2015 Pete 348 tandem with 170k miles sold for $115k and the 2016 T880 with 125k miles on it sold for $155,000 last spring. the 2019 with 90k miles sold for $190,000 in September. we were not going to sell, but when people offer stupid money for 6 and 7 year old trucks, ya let them go.
  10. Joey, i remember when a brand new mack DM800 was $60,000. with air conditioning, air seat, and 350 engine with twin stick and 58,000 lb rears!!
  11. the 2022 was $185,000 for the cab chassis, and $239,000 delivered. level 3 leather interior, navplus with 6 speakers, 9 way adjustable heated/AC seats, power/heated mirrors, steering pusher axle, 425 front floater tires, dura-bright alcoa 24.5 rims, 565HP X15 cummins, allison RDS 4500 trans, 4.56 gear meritor rears, meritor steering axle, disc brakes on steering and pusher axle, full digital instrument cluster, and a bunch of other things i can not think of rite now. the 18.5 foot 1/4 inch hardox 450 steel body with high lift gate was $54,000 installed and painted. .
  13. i think it has something to do with the fact a clutch pedal is the new antitheft device.
  14. the price already dropped 35 grand in the past two months. i am hoping by september it will be back down around 185 like the 2022 cab chassis was,.
  15. my 2022 Kenworth T880 was $239,000 delivered with body, high lift gate, and pintle hitch attached plumbed for air brakes. the 2023 on order was quoted at $265 for cab chassis. dealer is pushing for signed contract and wanting $10,000 deposit. we are waiting for the price to drop 80-90 grand.
  16. take a few pictures of the sprockets and rollers for us to see. that will help in identifying condition of the undercarrage. track loaders used smooth grousers on the tracks. dozers used big cleats on the grousers..
  17. new jersey started driving school a must have for CDL last july. we also have auto trans restriction. if you take the road test on manual trans, you can drive anything. if you take the road test on auto trans, you are only licensed for auto trans truck. before we sold the pete the boss asked me to run it over to a friends shop and move a machine for him. with three other company owners standing there i said "i cant do that. i have a class A license, that means i can only drive an automatic trans truck" and walked away from him. took him a minute to realize what i said and did before he came chasing after me cursing up a storm. the other guys were rolling on the ground laughing. 🤣
  18. i will verify with the hoe a wide track dozer is very tail heavy. never ran a loader with hoe attachment though.
  19. i am sure i told the story here a few dozen or thousand times, but when i went for my road test at 17 i took a 49 international L-190 single axle tractor.. BIG 406 CID "Red Diamond" gas engine and a quad box. inspector would not take me for the road test because he could not drive a truck with "three shifters" i bitched to the station manager. he asked what did you bring down. i pointed out the window. he said you drove that here 45 miles? when i said yup, he stamped my permit passed. and i did not even have a licensed driver with me. the "third shift stick" was the parking brake. but i did not tell the dipstick inspector that.
  20. looking at first picture, i am going to say he was going way to fast, drifted off the road and tried to power back up on the road instead of stopping. you can see where he was off the road for around 100 foot before rolling over.
  21. all my trucks shut off at 64 mph. can they do 85? hell yea, one we sold last year had the speed limiter removed and has clocked at 85....and he still had more to go. the company truck foreman that now owns #8 asked me why i don't max out the speed, and i told then these trucks only have 45 mph brakes when loaded.. why would i want to go any faster than that? luckily the owner and his #2 (the construction super) both like me and tell everyone to leave me alone. all their project supers like me too except for one. he is always saying i am goofing off because i do at least one load less than everyone else. but i do not go over 50 mph loaded. so i just do not go on his jobs when i rent out to them.
  22. 15,700 lbs for the machine. figure another 2,000 or so for attachment, so between 17 and 18 thousand pounds.
  23. i am pushing 54 years on the road. if i was not bored sitting home i would quit. sitting in the truck is pretty much the same as sitting home, but i get paid to sit on my keister and do nothing.
  24. yea buddy!!! we have a quarry i deal with occasionally about 35 miles south of me. leaving the quarry to the main north/ south highway. if you go straight across rt1, there is a right turn 300 yards past the light that accesses the local high school. people regularly get left lane than fly across intersection and make a right for the school. ther ehave been many accidents there over the past 20 years. with the advent of big engine automatic transmissions, we now hang the cars out in the left lane pissing off all the people behind them because they actually stop in the left lane to wait for all the trucks to pass for an open lane. to make their right turn from the left lane. the cops have taken to sitting on the side road and issuing tickets for obstructing traffic and illegal turns to the idiots. they do not realize with a 550-600 hp and allison transmission, you can go from 0 to 35 mph in the 120 foot to cross the highway. with 4.56 gears my Kenworth T880 is faster than most cars....loaded at 80,000 lbs.
  25. for over the road/long haul work a manual trans is fine. preferably an 18 speed. the 8 is ok, but it is severely lacking that "half gear" when in hills but since i do local paving work, the clutch while milling will have my knee the size of a football after 4 hours.
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