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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. sunoco here. got paid $1.75 per hour, and was aloud to use the lift in the garage if there were no cars to be fixed.
  2. Paul, the 1-71 pump engines only ran 1,200 RPM and made around 15 HP or so.. sounds more like a hit n miss engine at idle, and more like a single cylinder briggs and stratton at speed than a Detroit. on edit: i just watched the video. that one has an electric start. my friends was hand crank only.
  3. Many many moons ago a friend 2 towns over had a 1-71 powered pump on the farm for water. It ran pretty much nonstop for 50 years, only shutting off for oul changes.. And it still purred and used very little oil when the farm was sold and warehouse was built there. There was a line of people trying to get it, but the builder scrapped it instead.
  4. agreed. when i ran heavy loads we never worried about axle weight. mainly because i always had at least 3 escorts and 2 state troopers, and NEVER went over 25MPH. my average weight was 210,000 LBS with width up to 14 foot. longest i ever ran was 60 foot back then. these days i run 75 foot with the triaxle and trailer, or 90 foot with the lowboy.
  5. in 2017 i paid $21,000 for my 2014 F250 4X4 with the 6.2 gas engine. i used it for 5 years and put 50,000 miles on it when the dealer offered me $26,000 for it in trade on the exploder. the truck at it's best got 9 mpg around town (under 45mph) and 15 on the highway the one time i had it over 50mph.. cruise set at 65 for 260 miles. the exploder gets 19-20 mph around town under 45, and 30 on the highway cruise set at 65.
  6. Rowdy, your description of the auto trans is a perfect explanation of the eaton fuller ultrashift and too small of an engine. the ultra shift uses a computer controlled clutch. step on the throttle releases the clutch, step on the brake applys the clutch. put someone in them that does not know how to drive and they can tear the clutch out of the truck by trying to "powerbreak" to raise rpm's for better takeoff at red light. a friend had 4 of them, convinced by dealer they were good. 400hp engine and 10 speed ultrashift. within 4 years he sold them all and replaced with cummins 505hp and allison trans. he now only buys 565 hp cummins after taking mine for a drive. loaded or empty my 565 with allison is faster than most cars off red lights, which is helpful at one quarry i run to where cars pick the left lane and then cut off trucks to make a right turn across the highway. i leave hanging in the left lane, and the trucks behind me stay close enough that the cars have to stop in the left lane and wait for the right lane to be truck free to make their turn
  7. hell, even my 56 B-815 had a dynatard.
  8. i have not adjusted brakes in about 13 years now. the boss goes over the trucks every night when they get parked. the T880's have self adjusting brakes. the 2016 had 125,000 miles on it when sold, the 2020 had 75,000. the tandem had 8,200, and the newest triaxle has 4600 on it. none of them have ever had brake adjustments...... mainly because we use engine brake and not foot brakes.
  9. yup, i was amazed when i popped the hood on my new T880's and saw disc brakes. and i have no problem jumping in the 2000 W900 and leaving my brand new Kenworth with 4600 miles on it parked in the yard.......locked with the key in my pocket. there are only two people that know where the keys are for these trucks, me, and the boss. and we are the only ones that drive them.
  10. agreed. we paid our dues and deserve a "senior citizens" truck. these young punks demand new trucks with big engine, auto trans, and every option, $45 per hour, 8 hours pay but only can work 6 hours per day, than go drive it like their honder civic.
  11. mehhh. i have seen a lot worse.
  12. yes thin sheet metal is VERY hard to weld....especially with a stick welder. mig takes practice. i stitch weld thin metal to keep it from warping. takes 10 times longer, but worth it in the long run when you don't have to shrink/stretch the metal to get it back in shape.
  13. we had a John Deer track loader on the farm with a 2-53 detroit. everyone around the area knew when we were mucking out the pig pen or burying/digging new garbage pits.
  14. we have a drive through wash 3 miles away. used to be $75 for the tandem and $85 for the triaxle or $125 for truck and trailer. now it is $110 for tandem and $125 for triaxle. and he don't charge me for the trailer any more. i only go to the drive through if it is really dirty. since i am the only one driving i go SLOW in the quarries and off road, which of course pisses off the by the load fools. a few times they have passed us hourly guys at 40-50 mph and splash mud all over. when we get to the scale the scale man already knows why the trucks are covered from cabshield down and usually ban the speeders. one guy passed another truck on a bend and almost hit the quarry owner while doing over 60 on a posted 5 mph limit road.......spilling stone off the side of the truck. he no longer works in New Jersey as he was banned from all quarries after that incident. last i heard he is also banned from the 4 Pennsy quarries along th eJersey border too.
  15. i still have to outside wash.... until we get the new building put up. there is going to be a wash bay inside up front near the left door.
  16. i got a dozen extra jumbo double yolk eggs tuesday for $4.69. my store does not raise prices until they buy new stock. and since most people do not buy from the deli because" prices are too high" they go to the supermarket and pay $7.65 a dozen for large. last time i was at shoprite last week extra jumbo were $11,89 a dozen....
  17. yes it did Bob. it actually was sold in september and i got a 2022 that is pretty much same exact thing. guy offered more than what we paid for it back in 2019. so the new one only cost $15,000. as for keeping it clean, it gets washed every night before getting parked. 73,000 miles on it and looked like it just was picked up from the dealer.
  18. is that a small sleeper or an engine cover?
  19. my bet is more work than it is worth.
  20. that sure does look like a newer tach on edit: i just blew up the picture and what i thought was the speedo is actually the tach.
  21. ain't you never watched Bugs Bunny? they be maroons JoJo, but buffoons.
  22. many years ago a friend had a sign on his retractable gate that said "this gate is not to protect me from you...it is to protect you from me" he got a lot of complaints about it, but the police never said anything. than one day someone stole it.
  23. Wassamatta, he made you hungry too?
  24. until you get a bunch of Jehovah's see the sign and swamp you as a "safe place"
  25. i never had any problem sleeping in the DM's or R models, the granite was a different story with the dash cupholders and shifter placement. same with my new kenworth. cup holders and and auto trans shifter placement mean there is no place to comfortably put my legs.
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