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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. first pic: MELBOURNE second pic: MELBOURN i am lucky i got these as bad as my eyes are. 45-60 seconds staring at pics like there gives me massive headaches.
  2. 2 walls above white building roof different on dark color building. two portholes each side one pic, 3 one side one other side second row on back. ladder rung on tug. porthole missing on tug. hose? on wedge cut concrete block. hairline? guy front right.
  3. Before Obamacare, I was paying 2,400 per year for a very good health insurance plan. Last year I was paying 2,400 per MONTH for a lousy plan the paid for very little. Pretty much paid for blood work, 3/4 of a doctor visit and all but $5 of prescriptions as long as I used generic drugs. The current Medicare plan I found is $70 per month, and covers just about everything I would need
  4. you will not be hired because you are not from the proper ethnic group.
  5. what i saw was 87,000 new auditors.
  6. and then 15 years later someone will mine the thread and as if the one post wonder wants to sell it. 😁
  7. Joey, ya can't tax someone that don't work. the new agents are going ot audit the few working people to make sure they are paying their fair share to support all the leaches.
  8. i store the pictures on my computer. either in pictures, or downloads. than just attach from computer to site.
  9. he has not logged on in over 12 years.
  10. Nope. They stopped making bodies about 15 years ago and just installed other company body's. They sold the property last year.
  11. Mu yawk has not used MR's in a long time. I forget the manufacturer they have been using the past 15-20 years, but the trucks are "mid engine". Engine is mounted sideways behind the cab high above the frame.
  12. yall a bunch of preverts!!!! natural all the way for this old country boy. 😁
  13. but that would have defeated the demonrats new world order of killing off all the sheeple.
  14. how is it possible to get it "twice in two weeks" i thought the gestation period for it was two weeks? so he got infected with it while he already had it?
  15. the local scrap yard has two with sticks like that. they have swivel grapple claws on the end.
  16. about 20 years ago a friend got pulled over and handed a $1,500 ticket for knocking over a traffic cone. cop said he purposely swerved into it. Al went to court and explained to the judge he swerved to avoid a car that cut into his lane and that he would never purposely hit a cone, because he owned a construction company and had seen the effects of idiots in the closed lane. the judge dismissed the charges.
  17. yes it is.. about 30 years ago at the other house we had a bunch of kids that would do the same thing... and a drunk across the street that would hit the post backing out of his driveway. so i sunk a 10 foot 6 inch steel pipe in the ground, and filled it with concrete. than built a brick pillar around the steel pipe. and built the box out of 1/4 steel diamond plate. cost nothing but my time and labor because i had the materials laying in the back of the body shop yard. about two weeks later i heard the ringing at 2 am. and than never again. the cops did catch them after the driver took the bat swinger to the hospital to get his broken wrists treated. seems they were doing around 15 mph when the bat hit the unmovable box and he broke his wrists instead. the next night i heard the crunch of the drunk backing his car into the post. cops came and got him too. that box and post are still there standing proud.
  18. there is a guy here in Jersey that redid a B-81 tandem with a Bristol Donald dump body and modern driveline, and he runs stone out of the quarry almost every day.
  19. high rock was a very beautiful and quiet area back in the 80's when i lived down there.. but than again, so was salisbury and granite quarry.
  20. Before ripping it apart, try filling the cylinder with compressed air and listen for leaks.. I had two go at idle that only need a cam reset and new belt installed.
  21. I first looked at the governor. But I don't need another gun as large as the 44 magnum. That is why I went with the bond arms.
  22. most people these days don't know how to put oil in the engine Paul. you expect them to repair a carburetor that was made before they were born?
  23. bottom one is wearing pants
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