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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. but there are no more mean tweets.....😁
  2. i am waiting to see what my bills do. electric is $61 per month, natural gas is $85 per month. for the past 9 years now. electric used to be $96 per month, but i got rid of the window ac units and put in minisplits. another 7 years and the ac will pay for itself in power saved.
  3. mehh. nothing a case of cold ones and a bottle of #27 double barrel Gold Label Jack will not take care of. i may be easy, but i sure as hell aint cheap!!
  4. not WHAT HE WANTS Bob. he still needs to get moderator approval to disrespect disrespectful users. good thing he is on good terms with the moderators...................for now. 😁
  5. i am 8 1/2 hours from you without traffic. zip code 08879 and about 2 1/2 hours from Mark.
  6. come on now JoJo, when was the last time you saw a thread that did not run off the rails and out into left field before the end of the second page??
  7. fuel is currently at $6.30 per gallon. asphalt has gone from $55 per ton when bidet came in office to $98 per ton. we raised triaxle hourly rate two months from $90 per hour to $115, and tomorrow it i going to $120 per hour.
  8. maybe he is just busy?
  9. yup they will be back soon enough willing to pay your higher rate once they see what others are charging
  10. he won't. his sole purpose is to do what his handler george soros tells him to do, which is turn the United States into a third world toilet.
  11. unless all the demonrats are fired and we get politicians that think of the people instead of lining their pockets back in office.
  12. have you ever noticed whenever there is an investigation into demonrats wrongdoing, or when demonrats do something illegal there is a "mass shooting" to divert the sheeps attention away from the demonrats wrong doing?
  13. reread post # 4 and you will see everything the "experts" are saying is cow droppings, not cow pee
  14. It was Before the demonrats took over
  15. Mike will be missed. he was a shining star of Mack truck collectors
  16. demonrats is going on Jojo. demonrats are doing their damndest to turn the U.S.A into a third world toilet bowl.
  17. diesel is down 40 cents since last thursday here in central joisey. thursday fill up it was $6.699 per gallon yesterday afternoon it was $6.299
  18. dad was a navy test pilot specializing in choppers during Korea. the day before he was to ship out his bird went down. he spent the remaining 3 years of his tour in Annapolis navel hospital getting a new face sewn on. he was listed 25% disabled. his replacement was shot down and killed on his first flight, first day in country. dad lasted another close to 70 years before passing away from kidney failure due to a blood infection. i got student deferment during vietnam even though my number was pulled in the draft. draft ended a few months before graduation, and i did not have to go.
  19. frontal impact personal protection devices. .
  20. only slightly off topic Paul. my old family farm just sold to a big warehouse developer. the property owner sold, and my friend that took over our lease is now 67. he decided to take the money for the 5 acres he owns on the big highway that houses the equipment barn and stand. he closed retail operations last year as it was not really profitable any more and stopped planting veggies. now just doing wheat, rye, and soybeans. developer told him he has rites to farm the 4,500 acres as long as he wants to, they will wait till he quits to build the warehouses. plans submitted to the town last week are for 10 1 million square foot warehouses, 2,000 houses, 5,000 condos and apartments, plus3 shopping centers and 1 school.
  21. well, that is the problem Joey..... they cant. but that does not stop them from passing laws mandating it. New Jersey passed a law 20 years ago mandating "smart guns" The New Jersey Childproof Handgun Law, passed in 2002, requires that once a smart gun is sold anywhere in the country (even outside of New Jersey), all New Jersey gun shops must, within three years, only carry smart guns. it has been 20 years, and there is still no "smart guns" that work as the planners think they will.
  22. it took close to 150 miles for the flat spots on the radials on my pickup to go away after the truck sat for 4 years.
  23. it very well could have flat spots.
  24. yup. they have three years to come up with an electric truck that can run 500 miles per charge hauling 80,000 lbs......every day... they can't even do half that with a car that weighs 3,500 lbs..
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