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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. happy birthday mechohaulic. Bob, you are crazy. 2 miles!!! if i try to walk 300 feet i have to sit down for 10-15 minutes. but then again, i need a right knee, two hips, and about 20 pounds of arthritis removed from various joints.
  2. a friend has a C9 in a 2004 pete triaxle with a 13 speed trans. le loves it. it ain't a speed demon, but it gets the job done and also gets very good fuel mileage.
  3. oh ok. i was going by his profile that says last visit 4-18-18
  4. yes it would Vlad. i found an email address and sent him a quick note. let's see if someone replies
  5. last log on 4-18-18. i wonder if he is still alive?
  6. their plan is population control. to eliminate 3/4 of population, make everyone gay, or asexual. this way no one will reproduce. unfortunately they do not look at the long range picture where in three or four generations the only ones reproducing will be those in undeveloped areas. and the movie idiocracy will become a reality where the smartest person on earth has an IQ of 50
  7. all part of the demonrat plan. feed you so much bull sheet that you give up looking for the truth.
  8. mehhh. it is part of the joys of getting old. and better than the alternative.... i have so many issues these days when i go to the doctor for my 6 month checkup she started to ask me "what DOES NOT hurt". 😁
  9. Joey, i fully understand the "took a toke" comment. i was on opioids for nerve damage from the broken neck close to 20 years before stopping taking them back in 2000. i had a fresh filled bottle of 120 pills. in 22 years i have only taken 15, 14 of them when i had the knee replaced in 2015. the other was last year when i pinched the sciatica and had to wait 5 hours to see the chiropractor. when i first stopped i would take a hit off a joint too. but i did not like the feeling so stopped. with the opioids, i was supposed to take one every 3 hours. instead o would take one every 12. just enough to be able to function. i really got the best benefit from darvocet. but they were taken off the market because they cost 3 cents each, compared to the 75 cents plus for oxy. and i also keep forearm crutches alongside the bed for late night pee breaks. the older i get the harder it is to get the legs working. two weeks ago i went down hard when my right foot hooked something. since i had no feeling in the leg for close to 4 hours, i never felt it and when i started going down i tried my best to control the fall. and landed square on my left knee. deep deep bruise. took 5 days for the bruise on the skin to show up. the knee is still numb, but xrays and an MRI showed no permanent damage except for the nerve damage from landing perfectly center on the scar tissue from the knee replacement.
  10. glad to hear you are "out of jail" Mike.
  11. i would imagine a lot of the very old stuff was lost in the transition to xenforo and can no longer be retrieved. just like anything that was on photobucket before it went pay to view disappeared. then you have the stuff the original posters deleted for whatever reason before leaving the site.
  12. my filter works just fine. i say whatever i want, and don't give a damn what others think. 🤣
  13. my thoughts are i do not watch any of that stuff, because it only gets my blood pressure dangerously high.
  14. i can go now, but i am going to wait a few more years for max benefits.
  15. this one is in Nebraska: https://www.bigmacktrucks.com/topic/69682-87-mh-single-axle-on-purple-wave-auction-52622/#comment-497087
  16. https://www.purplewave.com/auction/220526/item/DJ1258/1987-Mack-MH613-Trucks-Truck_Tractor-Nebraska
  17. i have never tried it before seeing this post, but everything seems to be working for me.
  18. not to worry guys. within a few years the hard working folks will realize it ain't worth it and retire/quit working. then everyone will be on the government payroll and peace will be restored.........for at least a week before the stooges realize there are no more people paying taxes to pay for everything they are giving away.
  19. do you have a link to the craigs list add?
  20. diesel here in central jersey went up 80 cents a gallon wednesday night to thursday morning. than another 20 cents friday to saturday.
  21. Just saw nu yawk chitty is over $8 per gallon.
  22. petey buttplug is probably raising prices so he can become a millionaire like his mentor dopy joe.
  23. found this in a search:
  24. too bad they did not give a little more information. diesel movie truck does not really tell us anything.
  25. yup. go team green!!! join the no fossil fuel movement! make everything electric!!! according to "the woke" electricity is produced by burning unicorn farts without fossil fuels, there is no electricity.
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