Joey, i fully understand the "took a toke" comment.
i was on opioids for nerve damage from the broken neck close to 20 years before stopping taking them back in 2000.
i had a fresh filled bottle of 120 pills.
in 22 years i have only taken 15, 14 of them when i had the knee replaced in 2015. the other was last year when i pinched the sciatica and had to wait 5 hours to see the chiropractor.
when i first stopped i would take a hit off a joint too. but i did not like the feeling so stopped.
with the opioids, i was supposed to take one every 3 hours. instead o would take one every 12. just enough to be able to function.
i really got the best benefit from darvocet. but they were taken off the market because they cost 3 cents each, compared to the 75 cents plus for oxy.
and i also keep forearm crutches alongside the bed for late night pee breaks.
the older i get the harder it is to get the legs working.
two weeks ago i went down hard when my right foot hooked something.
since i had no feeling in the leg for close to 4 hours, i never felt it and when i started going down i tried my best to control the fall. and landed square on my left knee.
deep deep bruise. took 5 days for the bruise on the skin to show up.
the knee is still numb, but xrays and an MRI showed no permanent damage except for the nerve damage from landing perfectly center on the scar tissue from the knee replacement.