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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. my 66 7 litre had a full tank of 10 year old gas when i got it too. was just as good as new.
  2. i mix the crap they call gas here in joisey with double dose of marine stabil, and double dose of regular stabil. 5 gallon can will last me close to 2 years and still be good. if left untreated it will be bad in under 4 months. i have to run the gas tank dry on the plow truck, otherwise it will not start after 4 months if untreated gas in in it.
  3. did i miss something??
  4. i stopped buying mowers a few years ago after the introduction of "garbage gas" the ethanol crap eats carbs. i could not get 1 full year out of a carb, and only two years before the deck rotted out. three years ago i bought a kobalt 80 volt cordless string trimmer and just use that for the whole yard. takes about the same amount of time as the mower did.
  5. nope. the buyer will have to reverse the air flow to properly start the engine. 🤫
  6. did it knock any sense into you??
  7. working blacks tend to vote republican. welfare leaches vote demonrat to keep their free stuff.
  8. That very well could it. If I remember correctly glider kit VIN is state produced not manufacturer produced and does not show up in VIN decoders.
  9. It has been about 50% China since 2017. As of Friday I think it was China bought out everyone to be sole owner.
  10. If the steer tires ain't on the road, they will never wear out. 😁
  11. according to my VIN decoder, that is not a valid VIN. you sure you got all the numbers and letters correct?
  12. yes ma'am!!.....😁
  13. it would be very easy to effect change Bob. just block every street into and out of DC. erect a 20 foot tall razor wire fence around the city and electrify it. tell all it will be left in place for 2 months. within a week or so, they will run out of food. by the second week they will start starving. then you remind them we do not work for them, they work for us. and if they want to eat ever again they will get their sheit together and start doing what they are told, not what they want to do.
  14. tell them you identify as a demonrat and as such, do not have to abide by any state or federal laws except the ones you make for yourself. 😁
  15. the one that determined hitlery colluded with a bunch of people to spy on trump and create lies to get him impeached and indicted for crimes dems committed this is a quick read on it from the NY Post. https://nypost.com/2022/04/08/john-durham-demands-docs-from-dnc-hillary-clinton-campaign/
  16. remember 7-8 years ago when hitlery said if i go down, i am taking 3/4 of DC with me??? well now that the Durham report is out and recommends she be indicted, she will keep her promise and we will get our country back..................... or Durham will suddenly " commit suicide"
  17. granites were known for bad instrument cluster ground in harness plug. i solved the issue by running my own ground wire after the dealer "fixed it" three times.
  18. oh yea. it was just a wild guess. my old 79 DM800 with 14/24 tires and the rogers 100 ton 10X30 deck tri axle trailer was 79 thousand and change empty. with the "S" tags, i was legal for 215,000 lbs.
  19. i think you all are wrong. soros, bloomberg, gates, jobs, and a few other gazillionares are running the show. obummer, peeloosley, dimentia joe, and camel toe are just their public puppets.
  20. i was at moms most of the day. we were discussing all matter of things, and ukrain came up. she was talking bad about russia, because the demonrat controlled tv news bad mouths russia. she was commenting on all the dead bodies in the streets, destroyed buildings blah blah blah. i opened the phone and showed her the stack of bodies in body bags in the street news shows. with the close ups of "dead bodies" smoking cigarettes. than i showed her the bombed out buildings in ukraine as per news, and the same exact photos of the same buildings in detriot, chicago, and portland. she could not believe the news media could be so deceitful. until i showed her the evidence.
  21. my thoughts are Putin is doing the world a favor by eliminating all the biological chemical weapons labs in ukraine, and showing the world how ukraine is the american demonrats secret playground for all things illegal.
  22. i got 8 12-24.5 roadmasters in January and they were made in america. also made end of december 21. the central Jersey cooper dealer is rite next door to the current big truck shop.
  23. on my 05 the "R" light in the dash came on when the trans was in reverse.
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