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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. well, he allegedly colluded with russia to influence the election too. but that was proven to be false, and also proven that it was the accusers that were guilty of the collusion. it seems everything the demonrats accuse Trump of, he comes out proved innocent and they in fact are guilty of. why is it people always make a point of showing Trump in public here in the states with epstein, but not a peep of the 50 or 60 demonrats that VISITED EPSTEIN ISLAND??
  2. but you would rather have a pedophile that is selling America to whoever is the highest bidder? Trump may be a jerk, but he cares about America first.
  3. my brother has been demonrat his whole adult life. he is even the leader of his county's demorat party. talking to him the other day, ,he said he does not understand why dopy joe and knee pads are doing their damnedest to ruin the country. he is embarrassed to represent the dems, and admits Trump is the best thing for America right now.
  4. Trumps tax breaks gave me an additional $1500 tax return even after making $11000 more. dopy joes "Tax reform" took $2200 more out of my return for the same income.
  5. maybe the country will be lucky and she will do both?
  6. looks like a non turbo mack engine. either way, someone put a lot of work into it.
  7. yup. so instead they put a brain dead racist bigot pedophile idiot that did absolutely nothing in 47 years of government service and a kneepad wearing racist bigot that both said if you elect us we will ruin the country. but they did not care, because orange man and mean tweets bad.
  8. but he mad mean tweets, so he had to go.
  9. the actors lie. plain and simple. before obummercare, i was paying $230something a month. after obummercare it jumped to $500+ a month. a year later it was $900 per month. a year later it was $1400 per month with the state offering to pay $200 per month to help "offset the price" it was cheaper for me to pay the fine than for insurance until i was old enough to start medicare now that i am on madicare, it is $151 per month
  10. well, that is what you get for going to work. you should be like the rest of the smart people. get yourself on welfare and get everything for free from the government
  11. i think yours are just worn out.
  12. the nut is to tighten the load on the springs for less "bounce" unless they are already cranked all the way down.
  13. with my Ex it was Ford Falcons, and guns. my answer was always the same: the cars are for you to run me over, and the guns are for when you can't get the cars stated. lucky for me, she did not know the combination to the gun safe, where i also kept the car keys. 😁
  14. he has not logged on in close to two years.
  15. $3.999 this am at costco for regular. $4.45 per gallon at wawa 1/2 mile down the road. i am afraid to look at diesel cost. the idiots want all electric. ok, we will look at commifornia, the shining star of wind/solar energy and electric cars. they are only allowed to charge for 1 hour per day. and have rolling blackouts because the wind and solar power grid can not handle the load.
  16. this morning headline of the nu yawk post is oil price increases are because of putins war, not because if dopy joes shutting down us oil. sad thing is, most of the sheep will believe that fast flowing male cow manure
  17. $4.99 per gallon for regular this afternoon in central Jersey. Diesel was $5.50 at the same station.
  18. my 85 had a 300 in it and would keep up with most anything on the road. it had 27 miles on it when i got into it, and a little over 450,000 miles on it when they sold it in 2001. a friend sent me a link to a for sale ad in New Hampshire back in december. guy was asking $19,000 for it with over 800,000 miles on it. we knew it was my truck because of the custom paint. the name was changed, but the number was still the same. big blue #34 on the side of the hood.
  19. i cut back in 95, and closed shop in 2000. i was paying my drivers $25 per hour, and the truck "was theirs" i paid for everything, but they took it home and kept it clean. when rates dropped down to $30 per hour for truck, i said enough and sold the trucks to the drivers if they wanted them. i still do an occasional move for friends when they need it. all but 1 of my 7 trucks are still on the road. the first 89 was killed 4 years ago when a large oak tree fell on the cab crushing it. when it was pulled apart we found the trans case cracked, and the frame bent. with a little over 600,000 miles on it, Pete decided to let it go and parted it out.
  20. nothing fancy funny or interesting here. my initials are T.J.C. my heavy equipment escort service was T.J.C. Transportation Services. i just shortened it a bit for my username. tjc transport.
  21. does anyone know if Michelle's website is still active? i lost track of her a few years ago when TFFN server crashed and we could not get the forum back up and running.
  22. blah blah blah. 😁
  23. when truckers can no longer afford to pay for fuel and park their rigs, train companies can no longer afford to keep fuel in locomotives, and the people start starving because no food is getting delivered, the second revolutionary way will start. and the people who depend on the "grunts" of the world will suffer the most. we know how to do without. we can hunt, grow our own non meat products, we know how to make clothes, how to stay warm without natural gas or electricity. and we know how to defend ourselves.
  24. we are very lucky in the short term to be building a new shop, so we are not taking any new work for the new 6 months or so. i feel real bad for my friend, he has 47 trucks on the road, and just bought 5 more last month being delivered in the next week or so.
  25. climate change over there don't count. they don't care about it, so we do not either.
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