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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. nope, you got it rite. and i fixed the typo too. 👍
  2. you actually understood that??? 😲
  3. i agree with Bob. sounds like a faulty switch, or a bad cable going to the left side batteries.. if i remember correctly, you should have 12 volt electrical system with 24 volt start and positive grounds. this system uses all 12 volts parts EXCEPT for starter and batteries. the 2 6 volt batteries on each side should be hooked series for 12 volts, and then connect parallel to the other side to start. but when running and charging, the two sides are connected in series for 12 volts to each side.
  4. i agree with Mike. those engines and trucks for that matter are unicorns. if you find the parts you need, you are going to pay big bucks for them.
  5. Vlad, the trick is small spot welds, and stagger the weld. one side, than go to the other side. do not come back to the first side until it has cooled off. by making a LOT of small welds, the metal has time to cool off and will not heat warp.
  6. rite. but that was 6 months ago, and 11-24. you can not find 12-24's now.
  7. we have a very large tire retailer in the industrial park where we currently are staying until the new compound is built. they never had problems ordering 12-24's until about a year ago. in december Steve tried ordering a dozen, and they told him nope, no one is making them any more.
  8. my thought is you are correct. not one Russian will WALK into Ukraine. they will drive or be driven in. but none will walk in.😁
  9. you bad...😲 funny as all get out, but still bad. 🤣
  10. so true my friend. i think the big difference is we live in a disposable society. when it wears out or we get tired of it. we park it and forget about it. on your side of the world, if something wears out, you have to fix it, or do without. although from what i have read your lot has been getting better.
  11. i do the same thing with the 8ll in the 348 pete. since the truck is only 18450 empty. i start in second, skip to fourth, then sixth and eighth. in the W900 empty i run as an 8 speed when empty because with the 65 ton trailer empty is close to 40,000. loaded i only split the 18 speed when needed.
  12. i like the "Perfeshaminals" that have to shift every damn gear in an 18 speed.......bobtailing.
  13. unfortunately Vlad, that happens way too often here. people buy but don't sell. then after they are gone, the family is left with a bunch of very old vehicles that are almost or too far gone to do anything with. back when i was in my late teens early 20's there was a farmer with about 40 old cars/trucks on a treerow from 1925 to 1970. he flat out refused to sell anything, and chased me off the property the last time i was there. and i offered good money too, i was not looking for free. i heard he died and the family sold the property for next to nothing to a developer, who the next week came in a scrapped everything. in the row were three chrysler and two desotos with hemi engines.
  14. it already is...... at least if you are a politician it is.
  15. he aslo believes sex with animals should be legal.
  16. the 03 DR was built for off road use. with the giant rears, 8LL and 427 engine, i could idle in lo lo under a milling machine. perfect truck for milling and paving, or off road on site use. it sucked for on highway though, cause i would hit the rev limiter around 58 MPH. the boss hated i always did one or two loads less than everyone else when running asphalt. so he kept me on site. which was fine by me.
  17. i had a triaxle that was severely underpowered. claimed it was a 400, but it was actually turned down to 300 HP. when loaded with 26 ton and trying to take off on an uphill grade, i would have to shift low low, into 1, then 2, then out of low low second back into first, then back to second. basically i was running it as a 11 speed.
  18. It was an off road tread design. And I don't think they were ever available in 11-22. Tubeless tires are going the way of the dodo bird. A friend is in the process of converting his trucks to tubeless because he can no longer buy 24 inch tires
  19. in 88 we were hauling fill into a highway job for flyover ramps. the non english speaking drivers in their trucks straight from the scrap yards figured if i could do it with a dump trailer, they would have no problem. they were doing 12 inch lifts. and the ramp was already about 35 foot high towards the back because of the uneven terrain. there were soft spots.. i was running an 86 DM800 tractor. 58k rears, 285 engine with the twin stick trans. don't remember gear ratio, but it had a top speed of 58 mph. since the sand pit was only 2 miles away, i would load it up. i was scaling out with 50 ton in the trailer instead of the legal 22 ton i would line up to for ramp, start in second reverse, then shift through to 5th. run it up to around 30. when i saw a soft spot i would get out of the throttle. then back in it once back on hard pack. the non english speakers would see me running up there in reverse, and start following me hammer down. rite into the soft spots full bore and blow rears, driveshafts, transmissions. it got to the point there was an obstacle course on the ramp every day of the broken junk.
  20. so true Brocky.but it appears that dock has enough room to open doors at the dock. i only had that problem once, and it was on an open dock. i pulled too close to the storage trailer parked there. but that was also 40 years ago .i bet i have only moved boxes two or three times in the past 40 years when i went from over the road to local heavy construction.
  21. nope, in the video you can clearly see swing doors. my bet is he squared into dock, then pulled forward 5 foot and opened doors. that is what i used to do when i ran boxes.
  22. i thought the same thing Terry. i have seen way worse restored.
  23. i especially love the guys that do 30 over the limit weaving lane to lane plus the shoulder. and are still one or two cars behind me in the exit ramp because i was was doing 5 under the limit in the right lane.
  24. i have 1-2 years left before i retire. the brain dead steering wheel holders on the roads are really testing my patience though. it seems every year they get dumber.
  25. at least ya got a brain. i seriously think biden supporters don't
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