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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. if EVERYONE starts telling the politicians YOU WORK FOR US, WE DO NOT WORK FOR YOU they may just start to listen and stop the bull sheivec. people need to stop cowering to these askwhole politicians and say i have had enough, and will not take anymore. what are they going to do, lock every one up?
  2. only one shot was fired. for the age of the gun, i am thinking it was a 44 colt long. there are so many conflicting stories being reported it is very hard to know what is true or not. and i doubt we will ever hear the truth.
  3. fixed it for ya JoJo. 👍
  4. my father was a postal inspector and assistant postmaster for 25 years, then postmaster for 15 years. he was also a policeman for 50 years. and a NRA firearms safety instructor for 30 years. which also made him the post office and police dept firearms safety instructor for close to 20 years. he always stressed if you pick up a weapon that is not yours, first thing to do is check to make sure it is not loaded. second thing: don't point a firearm at someone unless you plan on killing them. for hunter safety course, you had to hit a target suspended in a truck tire at 25 yards to pass and get your hunting license. that was for both gun, and bow and arrow. he was very proud of the fact not one of his well over 1000 "kids" were ever in a shooting incident. he quit the day he responded to an accidental shooting and found one of his firearm course "kids" dead from a 22 to the head. back in 1973. he was shooting birds out of a cellar window while standing on top of the washing machine with a bunch of others. the gun allegedly fell to the floor and discharged striking him in the head. since the others all had their story the same it was ruled an accident. dad did not believe the story though and said he was murdered. one of the other kids there has been in prison since 1979 for multiple homicides. he has no chance of parole until he is 199 years old.
  5. by the end of the night it will be all the guns fault, and there will be fresh rounds of all guns must be banned.
  6. that crack in the frame is nothing. i have repaired much worse.
  7. www.car-part.com there are a bunch of cabs listed in Virginia, from $200 to $700 with a part grade of A (good)
  8. 22 mag is spot on at 100 meters, the 45-70 is the same. i have not found a longer range yet. the Fort Dix 600 meter civilian range was closed to public use around 15 years ago. i was a big hit there 30 years ago with the 25-06. 1 inch groups at 600 meters. i also had a 17 remington that was very accurate, but the bullet was so light and fast a 2 mph wind would blow it off target at 600 meters. and if it hit a blade of grass 10 foot in front of whatever it was aimed at, the bullet would turn to dust. before my town assigned officers to a SWAT team, they used to raid my gun cabinet when they needed firepower. either for large caliber, or to "reach out and touch someone"
  9. a friend of mine in Mary land has an 89 4X4 that has been rode hard and put away wet every day of it's life. towing company off road recovery truck. the 4.9 six, ZF5 trans, transfer case, and axles all have 502,000 miles on them. he is in the process of redoing it. new cab and body, frame painted, and engine regasketed. nothing else is being done to the engine.
  10. dad passed away 6-27-2020 from kidney failure at 90 years old. someone in the E.R. while he was in there had corona, so he was listed as corona death. mom saw that on the death certificate and had kittens. called the police chief, AND sheriff and had it changed to kidney failure due to old age.
  11. They powered A LOT of onan gensets over the years.
  12. really Paul? you are probably a lot of things, but never a bore when talking trucks. 👍
  13. 5 years ago i was in my favorite gun shop and noticed a stainless "Evil Roy" Henry in 22 mag. yup, it followed me home. last spring, back in the same shop, i saw a LARGE Golden Boy Henry. asked "is that a 45-70?" when i got a yup, it followed me home too. fun to long distance shoot, but useless at close range. 22 mag on top with a 3X9 Simmons scope, 45-70 on bottom with a Malcolm 6X long scope.
  14. agreed 100 percent Paul. the thing we were saying to is it is the media making the reference. they have the world thinking Australia is one big concentration camp and no one is allowed to do anything, your country is over run with the made up bug, and everyone is dying from it. us with a brain in our heads know it is a giant pile of steaming bull droppings, but the sheep that believe everything they read or hear from the media and government must be true because the media and government would never ever lie. your beautiful county is still on my bucket list to visit. hopefully i may get the chance.
  15. It could be anything. Definitely strange looking with the homemade mack rad shell.
  16. your links are no good.
  17. Paul, if i read this rite, he is not putting Australia down. rather stating "look at Australia" as in what the news is reporting going on down there with almost nazi like travel restrictions and non-vaccination retention camps.
  18. i think the thing is this is a very user friendly site. the members usually police themselves, so there is very little for moderators to do besides keep spammers out, and keep posts in the proper forums. so when a post gets edited or removed, users sometimes do not understand. 99.99% of the time we are regular posting members, not moderators.
  19. when a complaint is made about a post, we have to act. unfortunately, even though funny, it was inappropriate.
  20. i had it, did not even know. thought i had the 24 hour flu. one of the guys in work his whole family had it. his wife was the worse. she lost sense of taste and smell and felt like crap for close to a month. my neighbor and his wife had it, be was same as me, 24 hour flu, she felt like a minor cold. the bosses neighbor had it and ended up in hospital and almost died, but it was because he fell down a flight of stairs due to loss of balance. then there is my 70 year old friend that was murdered by the government last week. he was forced to get the jab or loose his job tuesday morning 10 am. by 1 pm he was in coronary care icu, by 4 pm he was dead. picture of health. cause of death was listed as corona because the jab put the bug in his system and it showed during the autopsy.
  21. 2-4 code is intake air temp sensor code.
  22. Because the cdc admitted the death figures were purposely inflated by as much as 1600%
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