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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. yup, hand throttle. or as us old farts used to call it, manual cruise control.
  2. i am also a child of the no locks on doors and keys always left in cars era. miss the school bus, or had to stay late, and start walking. within 1/4 mile someone would always stop and offer you a ride home. sometimes it was even the teacher that made you late for the bus.
  3. that is Why most of those people are no longer here.
  4. I have had 2 macks "run away". First wa a 74-75 RD600 with 237 engine. The injector pump keyed sheared as it was reved up and would not come off the 2300 rpm the governor was set at. I got the load of asphalt off, then stalled it by putting in 5th and letting out the clutch. Second was a 2 valve 350 that came out of a salvage yard and was swapped into a first generation superliner after the V8 gave up the ghost. Something in the injector pump let go, and it took off as I was crossing a highway. I got about 1/4 mile away from the highway next to an open field and started braking. Got it down from pegged 3200rpm tach to around 200 rpm when the clutch let go. I could not open the hood to cover the air filter, so I stood behind the trailer to not get hit with parts when it blew. The belts flew off a few minutes later and it started getting hot. It ran pegged 3200 rpm tach for over 5 minutes before it heat seized. While it was screaming there were flames 3 foot out of the stacks. No one wanted to get near it, so the cops just blocked the road, and the fire dept stood by with a pumper and 6000 gallon tanker incase it caused a fire. When we finally got it home, it was trash. The crank was blue from the heat.
  5. exactly. this was planned from the get go by every single politician there in the capitol building. like everything else they have done over the past 4 years to try and make trump look bad. eventually this will also backfire on them. i just hope it happens while we still have a country to rebuild.
  6. i saw a post on the smith&wesson forums where an italian national has come forward with all the info needed to prove the election was rigged. he claims he came forward with the info after realizing what he had done. says he worked under his employers(an italian defense contractor) orders to assist a three letter US gov branch to rig an election. but he was not aware it was a us election, he thought it was in a third world country.
  7. ya know, one thing that really bothers me. everyone is "poor poor Ashli" what the hell was a military veteran doing trying to climb through a freshly broken window, in a secure wall that had a barricaded door ? did she expect she would be welcomed once through the window? DO STUPID THINGS, SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!!
  8. the only thing to say is "sooner or later, they will get theirs" lets just hope there is still a country left to pick up the pieces and repair things when it happens.
  9. exactly. but according to the democratic run media, every single person there was a republican rioter hell bent on doing as much damage as possible to keep trump in office. unlike all those peaceful democratic protesters, who do not burn, loot, and destroy, rather they stand in big circles and sing kumbaya
  10. there are reports running around that they were in fact antifa and blm trouble makers bussed in, and dressed as trump supporters with the sole purpose to cause as much trouble as they could. it is also being reported on taken down facebook posts that the woman killed was one of the antifa folks.
  11. i was thinking the same thing!!!
  12. those bat rastards already sold us out to china and russia. they are just waiting for the camal to be inaugurated to collect their pork.
  13. for now. but mccarthey is up against her for the spot.
  14. oh well. then i guess we have to hope mccarthy gets the spot, and picks trump as vp. then resigns and trump can be president again.
  15. if creepy joe and the hoe both get the corona and croak before inauguration, will we get Trump back?
  16. i ran a 49 L-190 for years. six cylinder gas with 5 speed and two speed rear. in low it was slow, around 45-50 mph. but high rear would run 75mph.
  17. i agree. small gas engine and the lower speed driven back then, gear ration in the mid 8's is most likely. i would look for a 190-210 hp cummins with a blower, and a ten speed trans, then put in gears in the high 5's or low 6's. this would make for a good running driver.
  18. Ya mean they is thinking about getting their Peter's rebuilt? 😁
  19. you forgot ramadan JoJo we can not forget our middle east brothers. well, at least the half dozen or so that do not want to blow us up.
  20. i don't believe so. i think it is the fact that a lot people just don't give a crap about anything anymore.
  21. smart man.
  22. ten five, this really had nothing to do with restricting rites. it was all about respecting others, and following the VERY SIMPLE rules here. they refused to follow the rules which basically are respect others and don't be a pain in the asterisk. when someone starts calling other people insulting names, including the site owner and moderators, what are we to do? we asked politely to stop. they got worse. then dared us to ban them. when we asked them again to drop it, they forced the issue until they were granted their wished and banned. 99% of the job as a moderator here is moving misplaced posts to the proper forums, and looking for spam posts. which the spam filters are very good at keeping out. in the 6 months or so i have been a moderator here, i only had to step into one thread , and that issue was solved with one post by asking the person to leave it be and ignore the person causing issues. the other person ended up being one of the ones that self banned. on another forum i am an administrator. i spend on average 2 hours A DAY doing moderator duties. those members are not as well behaved as the people here. and even at that, i have only banned one member in the past year that was not a spammer. spammers are a different story though. with the advent of VPN, i average 30 spammers a day there.
  23. nope. the ones that were banned, asked to be or were planning to be. the above posts are a perfect example. we do not ban people just willy nilly because we have nothing better to do.
  24. agreed. they were on their way to a structure fire on the end of that block with entrapment. and there was no down time for the truck, it had a GIANT push plate out front.
  25. I watched a FDNJ truck go down a road in Brooklyn about 5 years ago and it tore 15 double parked cars apart with the big steel front push bumper. And he was not tiptoeing down the road, he was going close to 20 mph. After he went through the cops came through and wrote tickets for each one of the before towing them all away.
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