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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. looks like a lot of crack was consumed in the planning of that "thing" 😁
  2. well he did not get cut, so the reason for his disappearance is on him. i can not see last time logged on. he is still listed as a moderator, so his account is still active.
  3. Golden eagle. Haven't seen one of them in many years
  4. oh so correct. but ya know, if it were not for those creature comforts, us old timers on the last leg of our trip would not be out on the road, because we simply are wore out like all those old battle tanks WE wore out over the years. it is nice to spend the last few years before forced retirement in a nice ride. i remember the old tanks with armstrong steering, 210 hp and a quad box, top speed 45 mph, fantastic air conditioning in the winter, and even better heat in the summer, bias ply tires on three piece rims that liked to pop the ring and try to decapitate you, brakes that just barely stopped you when empty, and undivided highways. but on the same token, pace of life was A LOT slower back then and people had respect for trucks and gave us the room we needed to navigate
  5. Agreed I think back to the trucks I drove over the past 50 years, and each new one made us softer and softer. My new 2020 T880 is better riding, and easier to drive than my 2014 F250 pickup is.
  6. didn't say it would not fit ED, just saying it is a pretty big engine. the 6V53 is around 1500 lbs the 4-53 is only around 1100 lbs.
  7. 6V53 is kinda big. i think you would be better off with the 4-53. that will be plenty of engine, especially with a 10 speed.
  8. thanks for that Swishy. took me 2 days, but i read all 95 pages. 👍
  9. very well said. but you know they will deny it all.
  10. Only if you want them to stay under the trailer
  11. it is swift. don't even ask!!! 😁
  12. hot dog Johnnies is still there and just as good as ever. crossroads closed a few years ago after the owners retired after 41 years. it was sold and moved to new york last year where it was planned to reopen under a new name.
  13. Wow, I don't know what happened there, but I am sorry for the 6 duplicate posts!
  14. That bridge has since been raised, i believe it was 18 inches to make it 13 foot 2 inches
  15. Well, I will never be using it than. That is kinda like posting your bank info. "I can put it here and be safe, no one will steal it."
  16. i have no idea what tapatalk( or as the guys call it on the other forum, flappa flock) is.i use the full site on the phone with no issues at all. i do not like the mobile version of any forums
  17. same here Dave. i have enough problem with fuel tank steps, trying to climb out of a cab over would be about the same as jumping off the top of a 6 foot step ladder.
  18. I would go with 24's and turn up the pump.
  19. Larry, it was all about a bunch of B.S. that a bunch of guys just refused to let be. I really think they were trying to get banned, because no one can be as stupid as they were without really really trying to be. I mean really, how many times do you have to be told to stop or you will face the concequences of your actions?
  20. There was a problem with a bunch of the guys that just refused to play by the rules. And the ended up getting themselves banned.
  21. you can see the same cap on the 1917 mack in the second picture in this thread:
  22. sure does look like an old mack radiator cap.
  23. it almost looks like it has a one piece flip hood on it to go with those funky fenders. .
  24. i did not mean it that way, i meant if you have bolt on rims that 24.5 is an acceptable replacement for 24 inch rims.
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