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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. I agree. Pictures, or it didn't happen! 😁
  2. Back in the late 70's I ran a freightliner cab over 400 Cummins with 13 speed. "The Gambler" Man that truck would fly!!.
  3. steel. the weight difference is not enough to matter. one chunk of asphalt in the millings pile is all it takes to poke a hole in an aluminum body.
  4. i feel left out!! 😟 i did not get that email..... but i DID get 78 emails from members here reporting the emails!!! and of course it had to happen today when i spent the past 9 hours under a truck, instead of when i am sitting on my asterisk doing nothing but playing on the computer.
  5. sorry, terry, i am usually on every two hours or so. of course today when the excrement hits the fan, i was under a truck for 9 hours.
  6. oh yea. spotless clean smooth panel, finish coat done, and as you walk to the table to set the gun down you just barely touch the hose, or something else to panel. #$($#(@)@$%#)@)%_#@#) where did that come from??? oh well, i did not want to sleep tonight anyway.
  7. GW, and GVW are the weights the trucks are registered for. NW is net weight, which is what the truck weighs empty.
  8. I learned the "tiger stripe"trick back in 74 when I was cursing a van. Old timer showed me the trick to smooth panels and I have been using ever since
  9. Streak the primer with rattle can flat black paint. It will help when final sand fo perfect flat surfaces. Simply long board until the black is gone, and the panel will be perfectly flat.
  10. Mercury and Fargo are Canada models. Mercury is Canadian ford, Fargo is Canadian Dodge. 1968 was last year for Mercury, 1972 was last year for Fargo.
  11. agreed 3/8 is way too thick for overlay. if the floor is in decent shape, 1/8 is fine. if it is real rough, 1/4.
  12. have they determined what strain you have, or is it just "corona"
  13. there is a lot of very nice old iron in that yard !
  14. that is not bad at all. i was expecting closer to 30,000
  15. as the guys said, us what you need. i ran a kenworth dump every now and then for 2 years with a 18 speed. when empty i only needed to use 4 gears with the 600 HP cummins under the hood. 3 and 5 high in low range, and 8 and 10 in high range.
  16. Same with high side splits..90%of the time I run the 18 speed in the low boy as an 8 speed. Only split them when i need to.
  17. is Salisbury still as nice as it was 30 years ago Joey? i had a acerage in the woods off Coley road outside of Granite Quarry back in 80's and 90's
  18. i personally think the "test" is gust the governments way to get everyones DNA into a government database. and will not voluntary get a test either. but then again my brother the demoncratic politician says i am a conspiracy theory nut. which is fine by me, he leaves me alone.
  19. the "vaccine" does not prevent you from getting corona. the "vaccine" does not prevent you from spreading corona. the corona bug has never been isolated, so how can they produce a vaccine for it? the man who developed the PCR test that is used to detect corona died in August 2019. the test was developed in 1983 the first case of corona was detected in December 2019.
  20. although i came very close to buying one of these:
  21. i agree completely. and do not use masks. ever.
  22. you found a hidden truth that the public is not supposed to know. that is one way to make the sheeple do what the government string pullers want done. there are also reports out there where CDC says the death rate was inflated by over 1,600%. they are hidden in the same place as the reports of payments for reported deaths and ventilator use.
  23. it is about the same for me. i did take the body shop back over for 6 months 5 years ago when Roger had open heart/dual aortic artery valve replacement surgery, but i only ran the place, not do any body work.
  24. i need to get a few of them to piss off the sheeple in my life. 😁
  25. me too. i used many many many tubes. i bet 40-50 cases easily.
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