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  • Birthday 11/09/1962


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    albany.ny area

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  1. A puff limiter saves you many $$$ D.O.T. fines
  2. Not sure about all that, But, I (we) have found that helping out others and we get in a bind, and of course specs can help out Try calling or got to www.oldmacks.com They usally have answer right off top of their head(s). Hope this is helpful. I say we call, 'cause there in same area code.
  3. Already, Have an MP8 in our shop. Valvetrain went wild, no replacement engine (yet) Shop doing inframe. One way to get the big wheels around. 90,000 miles, Milk truck, very very meticulous service center doing the PMs. They Have my curiousity. Customer luvs the new trucks though.
  4. with all due respect, being a midliner, it's a wonder it started in 1993
  5. I like the part in chicago were police were issuing tickets to truckers for impedeing traffic. Some help that was ?
  6. I dont think it ended to well, UNLESS.... there were floaters on the front
  7. At wits end, short of calling museum, as suggested by specs. Looking for or where to get seal #88ax412p3 ? This is a moster dinosaur and is used pretty much daily, if cust. can get part. any help would be appreciated. Looks OK to reuse, but not my call Just might end up calling WATTS
  8. Macks and dog lover right.... puffer valve most likely. yes, DEC, re-inspection, smoke test, fines usally add up quick. Better of paying core and cost. Hopefully a little more helpful.
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