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    Maine, USA

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    I'm a simple man..a student working my way through life you could say, I like spending time with my family..especially my grandchildren. My work is my hobby, I do earthwork in the summer and plow snow during the winter months. Retirement isn't in the cards as of right now, even though I could start SS after January 2018, I still feel like I have a few years of productive living left in me.

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  1. Many of the R models in my area have/had the type of wheel I'm replacing, everyone that I know of has/the same complaint with them. what ever they used to make the wheels feel softer to the touch caused the problem I think.
  2. Following up....I ended up buying a replacement wheel like the one pictured here in Vladislav's post, it came from 4State Trucks and it is a universal wheel with the needed hub and accessories to allow it to fit my steering column. Thanks for the help with this issue. The wheel I purchased doesn't have the Mack Logo on the center, it has SCI which is the wheel manufactures logo so if having the Bulldog on the center is a problem they won't work for others. It wasn't a problem for me.
  3. I believe that is correct, I've seen that style wheel on many different brands, The guy selling the 'Complete Mack Steering Wheel' I purchased states it is a MACK wheel...but I have found that he only sends the center after you pay him another $60.00, since I don't like 'shakedowns' I'll find a center for the wheel somewhere else.
  4. I'm watching one just like that on ebay...and actually like that style, I had an 85 , Western Star with that same when. Thanks I think I'll pull the trigger on that one.
  5. Morning all, I have an 1986 Mark R685S, It has the mack steering wheel that feels like a soft rubber material that gets sticky feeling at various times/weather conditions, if you have one you know what I mean. I do not like it and would very much like to change it for a wheel with the solid bone type similar to what the older B models had. The problem is there are far to many wheels of all types listed for macks but most if not all offerings don't stipulate specific model fitment. What would I need to do to get the information need to be assured that the wheel I'm purchasing fits my particular wheel column? I really don't want to pull my wheel to count splines or mic shaft size if I can have the new wheel in hand before I pull the old one, Thanks for any help with this.
  6. Flirting with disaster must be a common occurrence in the outback. Just driving through water that deep and coming out the other side seems like after the water went above the fuel tank vents (unless the vents are plumbed well above the water levels they encounter) and the fuel pump created a vacuum in the tanks it would pull water into the tanks and the fun would start sometime not too long after🤪
  7. That's a mighty fine looking machine.
  8. I fully understand, better late than never...lol
  9. I envy the people that have the time, money, installation and ambition to take on a project like this...you are doing a great job...I'm sure it must be satisfying to step back and admire your progress. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  10. Thank you, it's the pride of my fleet......wait, it IS my fleet, but it works everyday and does everything I expect of it. It's old and a little slow...just like me.
  11. Always best to use your local businesses when ever you can possibly afford too, local people doing business with local people as a truly Americana ring to it.
  12. How do you tell them apart?
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