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Keith Pommerening

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Everything posted by Keith Pommerening

  1. Didn't look at this site all weekend, didn't realize there had been any replies earlier, sorry about that. Had a great time. Event never seems to disapoint. I don't have a car, am just a wanna be. But have some junk, parts and ideas. Jay and Tim Meyer shared a booth. They were very busy all the time. Took a picture but am unable to get it to load. Tim was showing his new Ford Cleveland blocks. Formerly known as the Buttermore block, Tim now calls it the Track Boss and it is very impressive! Jay was showing a bunch of FE part that he produces. Truly works of art. I didn't know what was possible with the FE. Didn't take Jay very long to educate me. Had a 390 in a pickup one time, served me well.
  2. I don't trust PBS any more then the rest of the rating seekers-the truth is not their main function. The agenda shines through as they follow the herd. About the only time they are worth watching is when they another of their excessive funding drives, other wise is just more attempts to channel discussions to bolster their opinion. They pick what the want to cover, they go to the people who will tell them what they want to hear, they ignore the news that really NEEDS to be covered.... I don't know of a consistently reputable news source. Even Fox news is slipping as the offspring continue to liberalize and bastardize a one time better source. I would suggest you don't hang your hat on musings of PBS. I do agree with your "gut feeling" and PBS news, the end product of your gut and their news coverage is similar. As far as Teammmstergirl goes.. I don't think she needs your help to defend herself, she has proven herself more then capable. We have some history on credible sources. There is nothing wrong with a little friendly bantering among us poster. "Attack" is a little over the top--lighten up. Thanks, Keith
  3. This must be one of teammmstergirl's crediable sources. When listening to PBS one must remember they are a welfare, tax payer supported branch of the progressive democrat party and they know who butters their bread. A little payback is always in their offerings.
  4. There is no "respected media" anymore.
  5. Heading to St. Paul for the weekend. Minnesota Street Rod Association is having their annual Back To The Fifties weekend at the state fair grounds! 10,000+ pre-1964 street rods, customs, classics and even a few rat rods. What's not to like? Great Fun. See Ya, Keith
  6. I think they put those 60+ year olds in the rooms so the kids can be exposed to some inteligence and life experiences.
  7. So what does your college level stats course tell you Obozocare has done for the average working taxpayer. My stats tells me that when healthcare went from $6,000 to $14,000 a year means I get to keep working til 70. What does those college level stats tell you about who prospered from Obozo's national debt doubling stimulus package. My stats tell me my grand kids and their grand kids get to pay it back. How far do you want to keep going with this....
  8. Glad you know what Bernie is talking about. Bernie doesn't know what Bernie is talking about. Going to be fun to watch what he does with his money now that he is a member of the millionaires club.
  9. Pretty hard to have a discussion with progressives. People who make their decisions with feelings and emotion don't function too well when confronted with wisdom and experience.
  10. I tell the cops that know me; You ever catch me driving the speed limit, arrest me. I'm drunk. They're cops, you gotta tell them that.
  11. Will not hurt GM. If there is a problem, the taxpayers will just bail them out AGAIN.
  12. I'm ranting. Pulled into my parking space at work Thursday. Got out of p/u and started up the stairs, when I noticed a local black and white pull in behind me with the lights on. He proceeded to tell me he was going to give me a citation for no seat belt. Big brother looking out for me you know. He was doing his job, I was at fault, but the whole procedure just didn't sit well. I told him how I see cops stand by and watch while "protesters" smash windows, wreck cars, block traffic... And the cops just stand there and watch. Now he's going to give me a ticket for a "f'n" seat belt! No wonder they don't get much respect anymore. Told him I thought I was being "over served." Of course he tells me he doesn't write the laws just enforces them. Truth be told he is is just a minion, with a badge and a gun, of the city's revenue department. He can decide which law he feels like enforcing, when he feels like enforcing it, and who he feels like enforcing it on. Suppose I should feel special to fill all those requirements! I'm just a fast and easy $100 bill for the city. Thought about it for a while and figured out whey they don't arrest those professional and paid "protesters". Cops are good union members. Unions are a good fund raising branch of democrat party. Now who do you think pays for, and coordinates, those professional "protesters?" Maybe the cops don't want to arrest the activists they help pay... I might be wrong on that one. As I remember the cops did arrest some activists in Minneapolis. One happened to be Tim Kaine's son. You remember Tim, loser Hillary's loser runningmate. Well maybe that is why they don't arrest protesters just easy unbelted $111.50 bills.
  13. Mack pushing the whole show.
  14. Load is so big I couldn't get a real nice picture. Don't know what it is, tank I'm guessing. Glad I didn't meet it on the road.
  15. That is some pretty good work and documentation. The last link to the PDA answers a lot of question about todays politics, Thank you. Keith
  16. Florida democratic represenative Albert S. Herlong Jr. presented, this into the Congessional Record, as a warning of how communism would destroy America. Artifacts Hillary and Obozo took it as a game plan for the democratic party. Thank God we don't have Hillary continuing the Obozo's implimentation of this agenda. The democrats have come a long way from Herlong's wise statements! Keith
  17. Thank you, that was exactly what I was looking for...sobering. Must have got to close to home for some! Keith
  18. Let me run this up the flag pole again and see if anyone shoots at it or is this censored by...?
  19. Old Ford axle gets power from transmission pto. Cable wraps on capstan.
  20. I'll post more pictures. Couldn't get more than one picture to post. Home made grill guard, hd!
  21. A customer showed his old logging truck with a jammer, aka log loader. Originally belonged to his father in law. He was able to get it back in the family when he bought it at an auction. Paid $15 for it. Last licensed in 1966. Not for sale.
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