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Keith Pommerening

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Everything posted by Keith Pommerening

  1. There was a link to an old statement of action by communist in the congressional record. What happened to it? Was it edited out? Would whoever originally put it in please get it to me! Thanks, Keith
  2. Well tha is a guarentee to drag this B.S. out until the next election in three long years. I would like to see the investigation of Obzo and his crew that ran unhindered over us and the law reopened. That is where we need some justice.
  3. For the same reason the operatives in the fast and furious gun selling fiasco are not in jail, for the same reasons the operatives in the IRS withholding conservative political groups from getting approved to fund raise, for the same reason the soldiers and ambassador was killed.... Surely those scams had nothing to do with Obummer controlling the process and the a**holes in the press doing the kind of "work" they are now happy to drag us through. Do you ever wonder why the press is force-feeding us their destructive agenda now?
  4. Had a friend tell me how it is done today, You find a way to make a living. The gooberment comes in and regulates it. They continue to regulate it until you can't make a living at it any more. Then they subsidise it!
  5. Kennedy and LBJ were french, here all this time I thought they were dumbacrats. Kennedy tried to stir things up with Russia too. Got lucky on that one.
  6. I always look forward to what you have to say. Never ceases to amaze me what you will put your name to. Keep it coming. Who started that damn thing anyway?
  7. From what I have experienced: If a person of color, native, have trouble with sexual preference, female, minority.... Shows up at your door you hire them. Seems the problem is getting them to show up, pass a drug test, read, follow instructions, have an I.D. posses a ss card, posses a skill or two, not have a DUI, look presentably to your customers, ... And of course have the rare trait of wanting to work, they WILL be hired.
  8. Way back when I was a teenager, Minnesota enacted a motorcycle drivers test. They put up a couple flags on a side street and the rider would have to do a couple figure "8s" around those flags, then come back towards the officer. When he dropped his arm, the rider whould have to do a "panic stop." I borrowed a two stroke 100cc Yamaha from a friend and took the test. I watched the ones ahead of me go very slow and wiggle , jiggle and weave around those flags. I went a little faster thinking it would be more stable. Couldn't hold the turn, jumped the curb and turned around in some guy's yard. When he dropped his arm for the panic stop, I jammed my foot down on the foot brake pedal. Damned pant leg got caught on kick start pedal, couldn't reach the brake pedal, and damn near ran over the officer! A couple years later I took a much differt riders test with my 750 four Honda. Easily passed that one. Have never let that endorsement lapse.
  9. Kinda hard for me to help you with that since I don't which pension fund that pays your rocking chair money. Did you read the article? Good luck while it lasts.
  10. You are probably right. I don't know you or what pension nurses you, but your response is typical. Union problems are never the union's fault. It's always some company that fed and supported you for half your life that is at fault. It's some invesing firm that didn't perform up to the unions unrealistic projections. It's goverenment regulations that screwd the unions, yes right. And the only answer is get more government money from taxpayers. I can probably do with less so you can continue to get by with more. Maybe you could do with a little less so your brothers and sisters could have a little more. Not the way of cold hearted unions.
  11. Where were you April 14, 2016? Let me guess... In front of U.S. Rep John Kline's office with the gang of teamster looking for tax payer money to bail out the failing Teamster Central States Pension Fund. The fund wants to drop your $42,000 pension down to $12,000 in an effort to make it last for more then ten years. Five proud members taking money out for every one paying in doesn't bode well. The pension has been using principal money to pay benefits since the 2000 stock market decline. Lee Schafer had a wake-up call article in the POS StarTribune newspaper on June 2, 2016. Read it. Wouldn't want to put my future in the government's Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Time will tell if all the money you paid into the Socialist Democrat Party will keep your pension solvent.
  12. That is the way it is suppose to work and does until the union pension scam goes broke. Then the goverment takes over and tax payers make their pension checks good. Some of those plan might have stayed solvent if not for poor union managment of the funds and union giving sooo much of the dues to the democratic party. Makes one think the real work of unions is a fund raising branch of the socialist democrat party.
  13. Guess I do not understand that comment, Most of the countries with the "GREAT" government healthcare have taxes that are extreme. Our healthcare was too expensive to start with but went absolutely nuts when the gooberment stepped in to save us! Now you want to give them total control and make it FREE. Really! Look at their track record with every thing they touch, Well at least they are consistent, they screw everything up. I see more and more programs that usher government services into everyday functions, For instance we have Head Start programs, they weren't enough, Now we have Early Head Start, now we really need Extra Early Baby Head Start. Let's get everyone on the gooberment teat earlier and show them how much they need assistance for everything from Uncle Sam. Maybe if you keep having kids and can't afford them, if you can't feed them, if you cant teach them a b c's, can't teach them how to count, can't potty train them, can't teach them how to.... We need more government indoctrination camps for the hapless masses. People need newer and better cell phone and services packages paid for by taxpayers in addition to givenment healthcare. It's not fair to offer less.
  14. I don't think so. They use it because some one else is paying for it. I wouldn't care how much the fuel I use costs, if you were paying for it. Were in the Constitution or Bill Of Rights does it say you have to pay for my health care? I have many more wants and needs that I think you should pay for...
  15. I have no problem showing my ignorance: What is a ZF trans axle and what do they come out of? Remember reading a book that the author was using an Olsmobile Toranado transaxle in the rear. Those would be hard to come by now. Thanks, Keith
  16. See you have 180 degree headers , like the old Ford Panteras. That will give it a distinctive exhaust sound. Am in the process of making a set for my 1927 Hudson street rod. It has a 351C and am going to have exhaust tubing pass under engine with collectors in the typical, alongside transmission, exit. Been very challenging but I believe I have a workable set. Good luck with a non-mainstream build. Thanks Keith
  17. Now correct me if I am in error, but look at European immigration from the start... Early immigrants were not only smart enough to realize that life in Europe should be better and that opportunities were too restricted, but they also had the gumption to do something about it! Leave. They showed-up here looking for a chance to make their lives better. Germany, Poland, Ireland, Italy, France, Sweden, Norway, Russia lost some of their best and most ambitious. Then and WWI came and culled some of the best that was left. Then more immigrated to the US. Well then the shit hit the fan again and WWII culled the best and brightest, again. Then some more immigrated to the US. They didn't show up here looking for food stamps, snap cards, Obama phones, Obama Care, heating assistance, day care assistance, housing assistance, free college education, public transportation, wanting to change the country to their religious model, ... What they were looking for is opportunity, a chance to make a better living, work, freedom, become Americans. So now Europe is trying to do as best they can, with what they have left, after being culled, of the best and brightest, so many times. I don't understand why we look to Europe as if they have the answer for a better way to live. Why would we want to be like them. What do they have to offer? Traffic circles, some rendition of socialisms, tiny cracker box cars, some highly subsidized versions of public transportation, housing that resembles sardines in a can, tiny narrow cobble stone streets,..... Quaint places to visit. Well that should be enough for you to understand the obvious. Thanks, Keith
  18. I agree with you. Union do not reward better workers, they bring the best workers down to the level of the poorest workers. Isn't socialism just great! Thanks, Keith
  19. Tried that sight. Wanted to learn more but the pictures will not load and very slow. Am I doing something wrong or is there a "trick" to it?
  20. I don't think so. Will tell him about it though. Would bet they are extremely rare around here. I was the first he ever met that knew what it is. Thanks, Keith
  21. Was visiting a good friend today, and look what he had behind his shop. NOT FOR SALE.
  22. HI Rob; Yes mine does have air brakes, old style, no spring in cage back up. Single frame. Have pictures in the "A" model registry. Thanks, Keith
  23. I have a 1952 A40H also. It's a 377 with a 5 speed. Mine is a single axle, did not know they also came with tandems. My diff has been changed out to a vaccumn shifted two speed. I think it is an IHC brand. Info from Mack Museum said top speed was 47 mph with the original Mack diff. Probably why diff was changed. All the wheels on mine are five or six spoke wobblers, not the nice bolt on ones. Same color though. Is that square plate, on the gas tank, made of brass with a Mack logo and Under Writers certificate like mine? Mine was also ordered with the larger wheels and seating upgrade. Nicer truck then mine, and yes they are a good looking truck. Thanks , Keith
  24. Logging is in my core. My father logged in the winter and spent his summers in the farm fields. That was how they survived in those days. My neighbors are loggers or work in the area mills. I have logged a couple small sales. I run a scale at one the mills on weekends. Most small loggers can not compete, the profit margins are razor thin. Most sales are several thousand cords. Part of the problem is caused by the loggers when sales are let out at auction. Send two loggers into a whore house and they will end up screwing each other, about like farmers, or truckers. I see much pulp that comes in the mill that looks like culverts or are punky in the center. Government foresters should have their a$$ kicked for letting the timber become so over mature before cutting. Federal forests will project a certain amount of wood for sale. Then only offer a small fraction of that amount to be sold. Have seen the EPA paint stripes on the mills driveway so they can count the dust particles. Neighbors spent a week cleaning and pressure washing their equipment. They had a small sale in a state park and the state was afraid of contamination from the forests outside of the park.
  25. I rest my case.
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