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Everything posted by Keith Pommerening
Don't know what you are sore about. Taxpayers only gave GM 49 billion for a 28 billion company. Then GM used our tax dollars to pay off it debts to the Canadian government. Then used taxpayer money to pay off some of the first bail out debt. Then the taxpayers assumed union pension pay outs from Delphi and other companies that GM, using bail out money, bought and then sold at a profit. Then Obummer twisted bankruptcy laws so GM can file a loss that allowed them to get a tax refund from us taxpayer of 110 million or so. The unions, which are the major reason for GM's money woes, now owns a major stake in the company. Do you really think this is a done deal? And now you carry a grudge. g
I agree with your sentiments, have experienced several of those life events. Remember how they sound like a coffee can full of rocks when they idle, but would make one smile when pulling. Thanks, Keith
I think there is an easy fix for this. If some one has a baby and is unable to care for it by themselves, do the "humanitarian" thing and give some help. If she has another and is unable to care for it herself, well now it is a lifestyle decision and not an accident. Give her some assistance when she gets her tubes tied. If the procedure is against her religion, then her religion should pay the assistance. At least this will limit the expense. Thanks, Keith
Been reading these comments about killing babies that might have a defect, not wanted at this time, cost society a fortune, wrong father... Where did we get the power and permission to decide who lives and dies? Once a person makes this choice and initiates the action; what will life be like knowing you made this happen with someone else's life. What is good for the least of us should be good for all of us. Those who are comfortable with this choice should go to hospitals and nursing homes. Just think of all the suffering, pain, and misery you would relieve some one of having to endure, let alone all the money we could save for... Like this choice thing and comfortable with it, live it. When you get a life ending illness, have an accident and live with a compromised life style, start getting senile, get needy and need help with every day functions... Make a choice with your own life, man-up. Same decision to be made, just a little more personal. I don't want or believe I have the power and permission to make this choice for myself, for you, or some fetus. The democrates have no trouble with this on your behalf. Like Obummer says, "Just give them a pill." Thanks, Keith
Just tell it as you see it. I love it. Sir, I salute you. Thanks, Keith
Use to unload "package cars" for UPS. Was in the back of a Ford 150 van. Lifted a bundle of cultivator shanks and my feet went through the floor of the rusty van and I was standing on the concrete floor with bloody shins. Next day they put tread plate in that van and then it was back on the route. Use to watch the mechanic change a tire. He would put the impact wrench down when done and spray paint the lug nuts. Use to spot dollies and hook the doubles and triples together, that got me in trouble with the union. Don't work there any more.
You have to give the British commoners much credit. Vote for the status quo or vote for independence, liberty, and the right for self determination. We can learn from their course correction. Notice the big city types vote for dependence on government. Just like here in Minnesota, we in fly-over-land have one hell of a time trying to keep our freedom from the suburbanites. Have a talk show man that has made this point: The closer you get to the worlds tallest buildings, the more screwed up things get. Thanks, Keith
In the real world... Looks to me like two skid steer operators just bought themselves a couple new pick-em-ups.
Ya gotta like good old Chevy. Give em 18+ billion dollars of tax payer welfare and then screw their creditors just for good measure... Of course we all know it was all union payback for political party support. Are they still using those old antique push rod engines? I see people dumping cement blocks in $45,000+ every day. Chebbies have pouches in the doors. That's where they put the paper bags you put over your head so no one sees you driving one!
Obummers' legacy isn't going to be just his speeches and stupid "leadership." It's going to be all the things he has done in secret and will be discovered when it adversely affects us in the years ahead. We cannot depend on our press to keep us informed and report what is really going on in this administration. Thanks, Keith
The Clinton Broadcasting Service story in the A.M. said the only arrest was inside of event building! Wonder how they knew they were "minorities and immigrants" when so many were wearing masks and costumes. Guess when the cops gave me a $125.00 ticket for no seat belt, I should have been vandalizing. That is not a ticketed offense these days. Thanks,, Keith
Just watched the morning news about "protests" at Trump speech... Goons smashing windows, cars, barracades, harrassing cops. Probably hired by liberals. No arrests when actions are witnessed and videoed. Why did so many have masks on? And no arrest in the streets! What is the cops suppose to do with vandals that are out of control? Heads should roll: those that did it and those that didn't do their jobs. And cops wonder why they get no respect? What the hell... i Thanks, Keith
Made the mistake of listening to public radio last week: They projected a story about Trump's statements on Mrs Clinton's use of the "Woman's Card." As could be expected, the discussion quickly turned into a love-in and pep fest. That evening I was channel surfing and "Publics" were begging for viewer support dollars. It dawned on me that if the "Publics" got paid for all the rallies and support they supplied to liberal politics, they would have to beg! Looked at their financial statements on the web in an effort to find how many tax dollars are given to the "publics." Was unable to find the exact amount. Am sure it was in there among the pages of employees with six figure salaries, just did not find a number. They claim it is only a couple of percent, but hide that number. American Thinker says the number is closer to 41%. Thanks, Keith
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It just keeps getting better and better. Ready for Clinton round II.
Now correct me if I am wrong... Way back in my memory I recall that there was a big hullaboo about Slick Willie selling the rights to our best quality, cleanest burning coal to overseas countries or donors. Anybody have a similar recollection, and if so, can you shed more light on what that was all about? Thanks, Keith If I don't catch hell, I never get any attention!
Yea, I agree with your statements, you have a firm grasp of the obvious results of a public education. Guess I expect the best of our leaders to be leaders not just followers of the status quo. If one makes a deal with your people, you should follow the terms. For example: his actions on native treaties lead to the Trail of Tears. A treaty was made that he didn't honor. Would this be a indicator of character? After this kind of treatment by the founder of the democrat party it still amazes me that First Nation People are such stanch democrats! I would agree with that statement also. Have tried to put myself into Jackson's place with his upbringing and history. Don't have a good answer. Guess his faults and prejudices are evidenced by his actions here also.
Now just a minute here: First a little info about what Andrew Jackson was is in order. He is the father of the Dumbocrat party, much like Lincoln is the father of the Repubocrat party. Jackson was a slave owner and trader. His Attorney General, and later Supreme Court appointee wrote laws to make slavery legal, a highpoint in Democrat lawmaking. His treatment of Native American is legend, ever hear of The Trail of Tears? Harriet Tubman was a Republican because of their abolitionist stance. She was a major part of the Underground Railroad, she was active in the civil war as a soldier, nurse and spy, she was handicapped from age twelve when she was hit on the head with a two pound rock thrown by a slave owner, she was a strongly religious woman... Might not be a bad thing, great opportunity for our advancement in knowledge of American history! Thanks, Keith
Looks like two of the three liberal democrats running in NY won.
There is a lot more to this story then meets the eye. Much more then someone, probably Educational Credit Management Corporation (ECMC), collecting a long overdue student loan. Kscalbel2 talks about collecting money from PRIVATE school students with outstanding student loan debt. He mentions Corinthian College Inc. schools. They had several branches including WyoTech. More then half of the Corinthian schools, including WyoTech, are now owned by ECMC. ECMC claims to have collected over 4 billion and returned it to the U.S. Treasury. ECMC has also been accused of over aggressive collection tactics and paying themselves excessive bonuses. The gooberment already has a program to forgive many student loans from those schools. They will even repay the money if the students actually paid on the loans. Notice how there always seems to be a concerned democrat politician at the ready... Does it appear to you that we are getting set-up for another government program to fix this disaster? Looks like they are using the same "road map" that was used to enact Obamma Care scam.
The 2016 "Presidential Elections" Show
Keith Pommerening replied to kscarbel2's topic in Odds and Ends
Have a friend who has a smallish business. He likes rich guys. Said he did a job for a poor guy one time. He didn't get paid. -
The county I live in advertises the availability of flu shots in the Health and Human Services building. They are free in you are on assistance. Cost $12.00 if you can afford to pay. Of course if you have insurance the cost will be #45.00. Must be why I pay $290.00 a week for insurance, that's the half the company I work for doesn't pay. Then there is another $38.00 per week I pay to cover what BCBS doesn't pay. That $2,500.00 dollar savings the Obummer promised never quite made it to the working man. Can I sue them for lying again?
Is there a book or guide to use when trying to decipher Mack models, styles, and production years? I have seen them for most makes and models of cars, I even have one for my Hudsons. Enjoy reading this site very much, incredible source for information! My trouble is when you start talking "alphabet soup" named models, I could use a guide. Thanks, Keith
Thought about "poor specs rather than the truck itself" comment: Most fleet trucks are bought by white shirts and bean counters. They get input from the repair shop. Damn drivers can't shift and tear things up. White shirt thinks; less shifting will help with that problem. Get a straight 5 speed and shift half as much. Many drivers are very loyal to their preferred brand. Drivers have a perceived hierarchy with truck brands with regards to their desirability. Where is Mack now? Can you spec a transmission with an extra slow reverse gear? Change the diff ratio so reverse speed is manageable and truck tops out at 45 mph. Would bet most fleet rucks are spected-out by a salesman and sold to buyers who trust and believe what the salesman tells them. The 5 speed was unknown territory at that time, but the salesman said... Who would think the reverse speed was not engineered properly from the factory? Better find a salesman who knows what he is selling then keep using him. Can you spec steering speed and how much the tire will turn right or left? Thanks, Keith
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