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  1. Here's another one Mack Man.
  2. Here's a pic of the Big Job.
  3. Hi Firemack: My Mack is a diesel, 6 cylinder, 250 HP, turbo-charged with a 5 speed Spicer 6000 series tranny. I'm located in northeastern Wisconsin. Looking forward to posting and learning on this site. 4estranger
  4. Hey, thanks for the welcome! I'll try to post some pics of the Big Job on 1/30.
  5. Hello Mack owners! I'm a newbie who owns a 1973 Mack CF600 fire truck. This is my first Mack. I have owned a 1957 Ford Big Job, two Internationals (1962 & 1970), and 1963 Seagrave Fire Truck, and a 1975 Chevy Fire truck. My truck is in good shape and I hope to do more to it to keep in preserved.
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