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Pedigreed Bulldog
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mackey58 last won the day on April 11 2021

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About mackey58

  • Birthday 07/18/1958


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    i love all macks but the ones i love the most are the ones in the construction industry. .if any one has pics of mack construction trucks send them along
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  1. Fortified or not they want it all.just watch
  2. Hard times are coming for everyone
  3. Yea we all gonna be poor
  4. Let's hope cause we couldn't order an oem drivers seat for an 05granite said it was discontinued or the driver s side headlight assembly when the aiming screws reamed out the plastic bucket cause it couldn't handle off road
  5. I know on our 05 granite ai it says on the valve cover it has a cam for a power leash and a black x on valve cover
  6. Huh?really?300.00 for seed corn half a million for combines and tractors.but yes American farm land should be owned by American farmers
  7. Cut all the farmers government handouts let them go under
  8. Nixon did
  9. Most of the mills are gone or jap owned
  10. Did they do a t shirt this year?I bought one on line pre show last year with a sweet superliner
  11. They sent me the wiring diagram for the 90 RD690S. Would the glove box diagram help or would it be different. Mack museum will take awhile
  12. Drive 2 every day with no a c
  13. Question,why does the t handle fall off this is the 2nd dipstick.it just pushs in no twisting.is there an Allen in there?to hold it together. After awhile the little cap moves then the t handle falls off any idea
  14. Thank you Joey I ll tell him
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