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    I'm a truck driver,<br />Driving for 10 years

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  1. just changed EGR Cooler And New Compressor But now the Truck wont start lots of power But wont start Any ideas
  2. Hi guys I have Mack Vision 2004 The problem Im having is when i press the Red brake knob the air start leaking from behind the protection valve which is by the clutch padle at the back any ideas will help Thx
  3. hi guys. I have Mack Vison 2004 460 HP the problem I have is when I pull my tri-axle full load the oil temperature goes up to max till it cuts out .have to wait for 10-15min and start again. sometimes the turbo will kick in and will run fine all day . when drive tandem full load no problems only when I pull trailer with load. any ideas will help thx.
  4. Thanks for Info will go and check other valves. hope can find them
  5. Hi Guys I Have Mack Vison 2004 The Problem I'm Having is First it was small leak from treadle valve then I changed the valve put the new one in but the problem is still there but worst now all the air is leaking from the same place. if i press and hold the padel the air will build up to 70 and stay as soon as I leave the padel all the air leaks from treadle valve exhaust line . Help
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