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B-42 last won the day on January 24 2020

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About B-42

  • Birthday 08/31/1956


  • Location
    Northern Florida

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  1. I did a quick google search and came up with this on E-Bay. Hope it helps.
  2. Willie Dog is the one who did the project for Holzman Oil. This is the truck from the E-Bay listing before he got it.
  3. Great to see it went to a good home. 👍👍
  4. B-42

    1956 B-42

    Enjoy the truck, Garden Wolf. Thanks to everyone that helped answer all the questions. Drrkgreen, I'm sure Garden Wolf has your phone number programmed on speed dial. Special thanks to you for your help. Steve
  5. Don't thank me Justin. All I did was put it out there where the people who know the answer to your question would see it. They are the the ones who unselfishly share their knowledge and experience to help others on this site. All you need to do is ask.
  6. I was going to suggest that to Garden Wolf . He is monitoring this thread.
  7. Thank you very much for your help.
  8. It was built in 1956 so the first part number would apply. Any suggestions as to sourcing? Sounds like a common part if it fits that many different configurations.
  9. I am posting the line sheet from the Mack Museum on my truck hoping that someone can answer Garden Wolf's question about obtaining tie rod ends and roughly what they will cost. I think I remember a discussion about the rebuild kits awhile back and I believe these are the ones that can be rebuilt. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks . Steve
  10. B-42

    1956 B-42

    Justin, I have tried to answer your questions honestly and to the best of my ability. I am sure that someone will know about the cost and availability of tie rod ends for the B-42. There are many knowledgeable folks on this site who are more than willing to help you if they see your post.
  11. B-42

    1956 B-42

    Terry, Don't know the ratio. The speedometer was never recalibrated from the original drivetrain but I estimate it runs close to 55 mph in high gear.
  12. B-42

    1956 B-42

    Rick, Welcome to the forum. I've always thought you did a great job putting this truck together. I wanted something that was basically turn-key and once the clutch was installed that is exactly what it has been for 6 years. You should be very proud of your work. I get compliments on the truck by everyone who sees it. Thanks for your input on this thread.
  13. B-42

    1956 B-42

    Joe, Thanks for the kind words, although you could have left out the part about being "real old" 😄
  14. B-42

    1956 B-42

    Thank You
  15. B-42

    1956 B-42

    Thanks to both of you for the comments. Wife and I have our house up for sale and cannot include the Mack in the next chapter of our lives. This is one of those choices that you do what you don't want to do in order to achieve what you have to do.
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