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Full Floater

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Everything posted by Full Floater

  1. Thank you for your response. I think I might go ahead and convert one of mine that im working on.
  2. I'm starting work on resurrecting a 75 R model. I believe 75 was one of the last years of positive ground on them. Most of the electrical is functioning well aside from a few things that aren't working. I was wondering what all I would have to do to convert to neg ground, just for the simplicity of things. OR should I just leave it alone? Is there truth to the myth of pos ground vehicles rusting/corroding less then neg ground? This truck is pretty clean for rust and corrosion so im wondering if pos ground had something to do with it.
  3. Got the 39MT in. Will get a pic later today. Much easier to handle then the 40 or 42MT. Probably still have to remove one of the oil filters for install (which I already had out) but so what. It spins the engine over plenty fast. The truck has also lost it's prime, so had to do some long cranking and it did just fine. This truck is positive ground so I did bypass the neg ground solenoid that was on the 39mt and wired the trigger wire to an existing solenoid already on the truck for the old starter.
  4. Did you have to do anything else to the truck besides the volt meter and alternator?
  5. Seems like they all have weak governor springs at this stage of the game and it's really hard to maintain a smooth light acceleration without the rpms hunting up and down at low rpms. It's one of the few things I don't like about Mack engines. I think there is a band aid shim kit or something out there that can tighten up the gov springs but I have yet to embark on that
  6. Sounds good. I will order one tomorrow and will report back with fitment results. This particular truck is a positive ground truck. Haven't decided if im going to convert to Neg ground now or later. I do believe starters don't care about polarity, just the relay does. I have used the 39mt's on everything from 466 IH to 855 Cummins and they seemed to hold up well. Even with the stubborn 855's on a cold morning
  7. Is anyone running a delco-remy 39mt on Mack 675's? I run them on other engines and they have been great and they are smaller and lighter, making them easier to install remove. I have a 1975 235 that needs a starter, I think im going to try the 39mt instead of the 42mt. At the very least it will be an easier install.
  8. Are the valves adjusted to spec?
  9. This engine is a "B" family which I think represented Dynatard capability, but not sure.
  10. And slightly off topic, but not really. I imagine that a Dynatard set up transfer from engine to engine to? Both 675s
  11. Thanks for all the input fellas. Also, on the engine that I am removing the jakes from. It's a running engine, it just won't be leaving the yard anymore as it's not road worthy. So i'd like to have it as a runner still after the jake heads are removed. Im assuming this will be straight forward or would anything have been modified or changed on the engine to accept the jake heads?
  12. Im in B.C Canada and looking for 1 or 2 R model visors, preferably located in the pacific northwest as shipping prices seem to have gone thru the roof. Thanks
  13. I have a complete and functioning set of Jakes on a 675 that is in a truck that's no longer going to be on the road. I'd like to take the jake setup and install on another 675 engine with nothing on it, not even a dynatard. Im assuming there will be some orings that I will need to replace? Are those something that's available from Jacobs? Is there anything else (aside from valve cover gaskets) that I will be needing before I tear into it?
  14. I will soon attempt to contact Mack to see if this kit can still be had, if I find it; I will report back with a part number.
  15. Oh that's great to know about. Did you install it with the pump still on the engine? Im sure MANY a old Mack could use that kit to buy them several more years out of some tires governor spring. Mine sure could
  16. Every old Mack that I have operated has done a little bit of this after a cold start. It's always subtle, but they do it. ALSO, many seem to do the same when accelerating lightly (apparently this is due to worn governer springs in the American Bosch pumps). I do have 2 trucks that do this but run 100% otherwise. I do plan on sending the pumps out at some point to have the governor springs done to see if this corrects the issue. As time goes on and these trucks get older, it may become a more common problem that needs to get dealt with. If I had more time, getting that issue sorted would be much higher on my priority list.
  17. If the engine is stamped B, yet doesn't have dynatard valve cover wires or a dynatard switch on the dash (I have not been under the valve covers yet to see what exactly is or isn't under there), could this possibly mean the engine has a dynatard cam, but just no dynatard stuff under the valve covers?
  18. I believe the B is related to having a Dynatard, upon further research...however this one does not have the wires going to the valve covers, nor a switch on the dash... As for application, its in a single axle 1976 R685 that was left for dead. I bought it and am bringing it back to life, in hopes of giving it another round.
  19. Hi. Picked up a new to me 76 R685 single axle. I thought it was a 237 but the tag says ENDT-675, 235hp and a 3B engine family. Can someone explain to me the difference in 237 and 235/ENDT-675 and 673? And what is the 3B engine family all about? Thanks.
  20. Got the can changed out no problem. Now everything is working 100% again. That brake is fully releasing now. Which it wasn't before. Thanks again!
  21. Very helpful tips guys, thank you. The boss around the air fitting is round. So I guess that would be standard stroke? All the other cans have round bosses as well. I will be going down to the truck shop today and will purchase a 30/30 can and see how it goes.
  22. It appears that one of my brake chambers is not fully releasing on my 78 RS600L, w/Mack rear ends; and is in need of replacement. Are these just regular type 30 chambers, or are they anything specific being on a Mack?
  23. Selling a 1969 NTC335 Cummins. Serial #679118. Built at the Columbus plant. Unknown mileage. Runs well. Can be seen running in truck. No leaks and no smoke once warmed up. 24v starter, Jakes 15 speed fuller trans. Asking $3000Cad, for the pair. I am located in Canada. They are still in a truck. A 67 Kenworth LW924. Its a parts truck only. No rear ends, bad frame. No title. Will Included the truck at same price or I can pull the engine/trans. Will consider trades. Looking for 11R22.5 tires, R model Mack truck for parts. International S1954's.
  24. I have 4, 6 volt batteries in my 78 R model, that are on their way out along with the cables. I was thinking of converting to 2, group 31, 12 volt batteries to replace the 6 volts. Has anyone done this?
  25. Ok I will phone the nearest pump shop in the a.m as they are closed today, and see if they want to do the job. Spill timed eh.... That's a new one to me and always have wanted to try it....here's my chance!!
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