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  1. anyone know wher I can find a wiring diagram for the clutch circuit? blower stopped working which ended up being the ground to the actual blower motor. now my clutch wont kick on theres no power to the pressure switch its shorted to ground . if I power the clutch everything is fine. . im guessing when the ground failed something went wrong . the ground was melted at a wire connector not far from the blower motor
  2. fjk you may be on to something there is some sort of exhaust leak sound like at the back of the motor when its under load. its been there a while but its worse now. If I remember right I had a mack tech tell me about a pipe on the back of the motor. is there a pipe from the manifold to the compressor?
  3. starts goin into red and have to back off. gauge is correct/ when it gets hot I get black smoke out the pipe. haven't let it overheat. at cold start it was at 195 within 15 to20 min at idlen ow with the new stat its 160 hoping its fixed
  4. I changed the stat in my 96 427 today and I feel like a dummy because I forgot about the weep hole. it was 95 plus in Illinois today and I was out in the sun so my brain wasent in top shape. whats it there for and whats gonna happen? im chasing an overtempt issue when the trucks loaded and its over 90 out. first thing I did was replace radiatorbut that dident help. I replaced the t stat, coolant filter , and the bypass valve. condenser and cooler clean of debris. truck pulls a dump trailer so I clean it often. seems to run cooler with new stat but I haven't driven yet now im wondering about the position the weep hole is in. any help would be appreciated
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