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Jarhead Enterprises

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Everything posted by Jarhead Enterprises

  1. Delivering 2 of these 2017 Mack GU713 Snow Plow Trucks to the Tennessee DOT Garage here in Knoxville this week. Trucks are MP8-455M, 8LL transmissions, 20k front, 46k rears on M-Ride suspensions. Pretty exciting - they have seen the light on IHC trucks hopefully!
  2. I personally handle 7 local fleet accounts - 5 (4 Mack, 1 Volvo) over the road and two vocational (Both Mack). WE have a great 30 year MACK salesman in Knoxville. He is old school and handles the majority of our Mack customers - together we would both help you if you want. 865-399-1679
  3. If you go with a horsepower rating below 460hp you will save yourself a lot of money on purchased protection coverages regardless of engine manufacturers. I recommend the Mack Plan 2 Engine / Mack EATS Engine Exhaust After Treatment System Purchased Coverage Protection matched to the time/miles terms of your particular operations. If you want to build and order a custom truck and your sales guy can't or won't help you and go over the specifications line by line until you are happy and satisfied get another sales guy. It is a lot easier to fix problems and address concerns when they are on paper than once they become steel. I personally am not a sales guy - I AM a truck guy, a Mack guy and a former fleet maintenance executive that sells trucks. My only goal with a customer is to listen to them, learn about what they want to do with the truck, understand their business and the environment the truck will be operating and then work with the customer to custom engineer and specify a unit that fits exactly what they want to do. You do this as a sales person and you will get repeat and referral business that makes both your customers and you successful. Guys in it for a quick sales don't last especially if you are selling Mack. 1 truck or 100 trucks - the process is the same.
  4. WE are delivering two of these 2017 Mack GU713 snow plow/sander rigs to EBCI (Eastern Band Cherokee Indians) in Cherokee, TN. MP8-455M Engines, 8LL transmissions, 20k front, 46k rears on camelback.
  5. You can set up a Granite tractor for a lowboy tractor and it will do a great job - much more flexibility than the CHU in terms of frames, axles and suspensions and it will look better too!
  6. This one was supposed to be a coal truck, but we all know what obama has done to the coal industry. 23k front, 65k rears, mp7-395 with 8LL and really high rear end gears.
  7. I NEVER spec anything smaller than a 20,000 front axle on a vocational truck.
  8. 2017 Mack GU713 Quad Axle Dump Trucks - delivering 2 this week to an excavating contractor in Eastern Tennessee. Trucks are MP8-455M, 8LL, 20k front axle, 46k rear axles on Mack camelback suspensions, Hardox tub style bodies with high lift tailgates. Real nice trucks - nice specifications. I like to specify the 20k front end with the dual steering boxes for all dump truck applications.
  9. NEVER tow an M-Drive or I-Shift transmission without first completely removing the drive shaft - not even 2 feet. WE never do it - it will turn the insides of the transmission VERY ugly! If a wrecker company tows one into us we completely inspect to see the drive shaft has been removed before we accept the truck for repairs. I have 10 new 2017 GU713 on order for a customer with the M-Drive HD - they will be triaxle dump trucks delivered in June 2016 New 13 and 14 speed versions with deep reduction "lo-holes" of this transmission are scheduled to be out later this summer in the MP8 series first.
  10. Grew up in Utica, NY - snow and ice were a way of life. Plowed snow for 6 winters while I was in college. If you didn't drive in snow, ice, sleet freezing rain etc you didn't go anywhere for about 7-8 months a year. Here in east Tennessee you get an inch of snow all the schools close and nobody goes to work for 1-2 days. Really frustrating when your trying to run a business.
  11. I was able to achieve a Bachelors of Science and a Master of Science in Business and Finance at SUNY Institute of Technology. I work and slaved and paid for it 100% by MYSELF. I drove dump truck and dump trailer 40 hours a week DURING school and 70-90 hours a week when I was not in school. I also worked as a bartender in the college pub, had my own snow plowing business with 2 trucks and did odd jobs for cash whenever I could. In short I hustled and saved every dollar I made and left college owing $0.00. When everyone else was laying in bed or goofing off I was working. There was no payment plan "B" and I took 16-20 hours every semester so I could get done as soon as possible and still made the dean's list. You are entitled to NOTHING! The world owes you NOTHING! The U S Government owes you NOTHING! When people ask me how I decided on the college I attended I told them simply it was the one I could afford. If you are so stupid that you take out huge loans and spend $200,000+ on an Ivy League education with some bullshit degree at the end that qualifies you to make $25,000 per year why is that the tax payers problem. If you are that stupid you shouldn't be in college anyway. Despite what the Democrats are telling the growing number of misguided low information looters and moochers there is NO SUCH THING AS FREE! The government cannot give anything to anybody without first taking it from the taxpayer. The only road to real success is paved and EARNED with hard work.
  12. 1957 Walters Snow Fighter. Truck is owned by Champion Materials in West Carthage, NY. Used to keep the pit access roads open
  13. It is a crime what this poor excuse for a president and his administration has done to the hard working people of Eastern Kentucky, West Virgina and the entire coal industry. We have dealership locations all through the coal fields and most if not all of our coal customers and haulers have shut down their operations putting thousands out of work. His final day in office will be a great day for this country unless the moochers and looters living as parasites off the taxpayer find a way to get this lying, cheating unfit for any office bitch Clinton elected president. VOTE!
  14. Trading out a long time IHC customer out of three (3) 2013 IHC quad axle dump trucks with Maxxforce engines and delivering three (3) new 2016 Mack GU713 quad axle dump trucks. Mack MP8-455M engines, RTO16908LL transmission, Mack 20k front axle, Mack 44k rears on Camelbacks, 4.19 ratio, all aluminum wheels, MAC aluminum body. Customer is a specialty sand producer in Mooresburg, TN.
  15. Murphy Excavating in New Hartford, NY had a really nice long nose GMC 9500 back in the early 80's they used it to pull their lowboy trailer. You heard it before you saw it!
  16. Thanks for the correction on the N-Series.
  17. This is a picture of my uncle Peter McCarthy (on left)-Vice President of Oneida County Rural Telephone Company in Holland Patent, NY the day they took delivery of a custom built 1964 Ford F-700 4x4 auger truck from Ed Blask of Dahl Motors Inc, Utica, NY. The truck was used to set telephone poles, was equipped with a front winch and would go nearly anywhere! Pete was a great guy loved by everyone who passed away in September 2015. I rode in this truck many times with him when I was a boy. Great memories.
  18. Delivering this new Mack Titan Heavy Haul Tractor to an excavating/site work contractor in Morristown, TN on Monday. MP10-605HP, 18 speed, 46,000 rears - absolutely beautiful truck.
  19. Gliders are going away - EPA will not continue to allow them. Gliders have been flying under the EPA and congressional radar for years but not anymore. I have customers that have bought them - they are not cheap (nearly the price of a new truck) and the reliability and fuel economy are suspect. Most dealers will not take them in trade - can't imagine what a glider will be worth in the future but guessing the values will be low and demand poor.
  20. Great Video - Great Truck. There is no doubt Mack Trucks and trucks in general have changed since my first driving job when I got out of the USMC in 1981. I drove M123 10 ton tractors in the service that were built by Mack. My first civilian truck was a 1979 DM600 triaxle dump truck , 237 with a 2 stick 6 speed driving for Fred Burrows Trucking in Whitesboro, NY. Before upstate NY got tough we never hauled less than 30 ton in the box! 2004 I was Vice President of Maintenance for a fleet in Florida - had nearly all Mack fleet of 500 tractors - Mack was really struggling at that time to put a decent product on the road. Today the MP7 and MP8 engines are probably the best engines on the road today. ALL engines (and trucks) are much more complicated - it is ALL government mandated. I have customers in linehaul applications doing in excess of 7 mpg - didn't get that 25 years ago! If you don't believe the Mack pride, passion and committment is still there go take a factory tour and go to the Mack customer center.
  21. I spoke with our RVP for Volvo about this show about a month ago - he claimed the booth space alone was nearly $1,000,000.00! Add in the cost of personnel to man the booth, customer entertaining etc and you can add another $200,000. Then double it with the Mack booth. I have been to the show once - waste of time. I have supplier friends referred to it as Hillbilly Halloween. As WE say "the juice has to be worth the squeeze".
  22. WE have a light kit being installed at both the base and on the corner of the building so it will be illuminated properly. Waiting for the contractor to finish the job
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