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macks in nigeria

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Everything posted by macks in nigeria

  1. Does anyone remember what this thread really is about? What some of us were afraid of.
  2. I agree we we should stick to trucks.A young lady ,white and Australian is killed in very sad and mysterious circumstances but it only provides an avenue for some people here to see it a race issue not the crime it might be.Stereotypes are been thrown about.I am black but Nigerian so I naturally hurt when generalizations are been made about race.I am college educated and right now seen my two kids through college so will feel bad to think that because of the color of my skin i am seen as been less a human than the next man, because of the unfortunate behavior of some one who has the same skin color as me. While this happened in America those who have taken the position because she is white even though Australian are the same with me who is reacting this way because I am black even though Nigerian.BMT is a Worldwide Forum and we should be mindful of sensiblities.An old sexist African Proverb says "When dry bones are mentioned old women get uncomfortable"
  3. Seriously?????? I move on.
  4. Right, and solution-driven people usually don't feel or have compassion.
  5. I wish in all the comments above someone had said something about how sad it was that a life was lost, rather everyone is only using this incident to bolster their positions just like some Reverends would have if she was black.May her family find comfort.
  6. Welcome ,you will get your answer in a few minutes that is what is special about this place.The Mack gurus will soon sort you out.
  7. We will miss it out here
  8. Welcome on board
  9. Let's give them a chance and wait and see.
  10. Human engine.There are pedals on it.
  11. We enjoy that series out here because most of the road conditions we can relate to.Watch the episodes about Steve Grahame's epic journey from one of the earlier seasons.
  12. There is an African saying that you do not fight naked with a mad man in the market square. People might not know the difference. He is the president and should move on. He has nothing to prove to anyone.
  13. I feel your pain.Get yourself a very good used engine from the US and ship down for your truck.For some reason rebuilt engines don't really work in Nigeria hence the huge demand for used engines here.Good luck with whichever route you choose.
  14. you will come around
  15. i agree with you
  17. noted and appreciated.Kind Regards
  18. Why? because the truth hurts?not every old mack will end up in a collection
  19. I am coming for it hahaha
  20. You would rather see them chopped up than have a second life? will upload some pictures soon of their second lives in Nigeria as money earners
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