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macks in nigeria

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Everything posted by macks in nigeria

  1. In this country of 180m people,the only gun you are allowed to carry is a single or double barrel shot gun capable of carrying a maximum of 2 rounds solely for hunting and not self defense.When you want one you apply to the Commissioner of police in your state who has the sole authority to issue you a license to own one.After a waiting period of about 30-60 days during which you are checked out he may issue you one if you pass.The police is Federal in structure as they are no state police in Nigeria. To the issue of Sharia law ,don"t listen to everything asylum seekers say to make their story sound credible.I am from a state called Benue right on the border between Northern and Southern Nigeria,and can tell you that Nigeria is not divided into Muslim North and Christian South.I can list 6 states in the north that have Christian majority out of the 19 states and about the same in the 17 states in the south of the country with majority Muslims.By the way I am a Christian. If you google my state you will see a lot of news about the Fulani Herdsmen fighting with the indigenous communities and it's about land not religion. I wrote about this in a post about climate change a couple of days ago. A former President said what we have in some states in the north is "political Sharia" that is some Governors looking for second terms through the manipulation of Religion after non performance in their first terms. I guarantee you if anyone attempted to implement sharia in a swathe of Nigeria there will be no Country with that name again. We might be in Africa but some part of this country had British trained doctors in 1800's and others around the 50's less than 70 years ago. We are aware.
  2. Truly beautiful country.
  3. There are never one size fits all solutions to problems,those who are for guns should also agree that not everyone should carry a gun.When that "nut case" let off those rounds he did not care who he was shooting at, whether the kids of pro or anti gun proponents.
  4. Hope and pray for his full recovery.Just sent him a text
  5. Super looking truck.Would give an arm for a work truck R in that shape.
  6. $4m is no small money in Eastern Europe.
  7. Start the fixing from the home front.If not fixed you can only imagine what your society will become when these kids become parents who have no values.
  8. Should have let him know you won't be driving it until fixed the moment you saw that.I will not risk my life to save someone a couple of bucks for a couple of weeks.
  9. How sad.America needs to wake up to the reality of gun violence.Yes ,the right to bear arms but how about the right to live safely.My thoughts are with the families of the victims.
  10. Happy Birthday.
  11. Not challenging your well articulated points and certainly did not imply you coming across as you know all.In my corner of this earth there is a Lake called The Lake Chad bordered by 4 countries Nigeria,Niger Cameroon and Chad,which has all but dried up in the past 30 years leading to current bloody clashes between cattle herdsmen who are moving southwards in search of pasture and water for their animals in Nigeria and farmers whose crops are been destroyed by this migration.In fact if you google Nigeria today that is what you are most likely to see and it has also been said to be responsible for the Boko Haram terrorists been able to thrive in the area because of the availability of idle young men who can't use it's water for irrigation or fishing anymore been recruited easily by the ISIS affiliated group. Like i said earlier I do not Know for sure but climate change might just be responsible..Bringing it nearer home to you the US lost some special forces men in this area some weeks ago in the fight against these terrorists.
  12. Don't really know anything about the politics of climate change but do certainly know the climate now is different what it was 20 years ago.I know the migratory birds that occupy marshlands here during the winter months certainly come at a different time now and stay longer,but hell what do i know.
  13. Exactly.
  14. If there is a waiting list please put me on it and if none why don't you start one with my name first of course.I can wait for quality work.
  15. Some of us are waiting for when you will be less busy to take on some work.
  16. Well Paul said very nice.
  17. So the hood mirrors look nice on this but not on the Anthem?
  18. We are all here because of our love for mack trucks or the fact that we use them,you might not like every opinion you get but be rest assured it is given in good faith.Wish you luck with your swap.
  19. Some things come before hobby trucks.
  20. I got the Concorde out of the museum but can't find a pilot.You lose some.
  21. I'll see if i can get a Concorde out of the museum ,should be able to make in in time from Nigeria
  22. You have a point there, but who feels the pantry is too small and who requested for a new one.We had a similar situation in my country when the current President was a candidate ,he made all the right noise about the Presidential fleet been bloated with about 8 aircraft and 2 choppers with the biggest been a BBJ which is actually a New Gen 737 and how he will sell off all but two.Today almost 3 years into his Presidency all the aircraft are still in service for the Presidency.Big difference between been a candidate and been The President.
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