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macks in nigeria

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Everything posted by macks in nigeria

  1. One of them looks familiar.
  2. I must be stale ,thought it was 8% they owned the last time we were discussing this.
  3. It is very sad what terrorism and civil wars have done to this Rally.This was one event even as kids we looked forward to on TV when it was from Paris through the desert to Dakar in Senegal.Sad indeed
  4. I guarantee you even 40% proof will not help the Ambassador in this situation.
  5. Walk away.If we listen to our inner self we will never get into trouble.If you have concerns enough to bring it here ,walk away.Look harder you will find it elsewhere.Good luck.
  6. Pictures will tell the story in a way words can't.
  7. Sorry about the baby
  8. What is winter?Hehehe
  9. Incredible.I bet people are going to be scavenging through their garages now.
  10. Happy Birthday .Wish you a very special one as you spend it hopefully surrounded by family and those who love you.
  11. May it bring you joy and make you money too.Goodluck
  12. I don't see the vehicle you are overtaking in that ledge cut, why are you driving on the wrong side of the road.Ha Ha
  13. Too many inspectors spoil the trailer
  14. Exactly,less scary than hacking.
  15. Welcome here.
  16. I think the Golden Goose Shoes guy signed on as a member and posted a long meaningless message about it,at least that is what I saw.
  17. "Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon can not hear the falconer, Things fall apart,the centre can not hold, ..........................." W.B Yeats 1865-1939 1923 Nobel Prize Winner
  18. The things some of us take for granted,reminds me to check what is wrong with my air conditioner .
  19. Look at the pink Bunny again
  20. Didn't know him but sad indeed.The last thing he must have seen would be truck related.
  21. Welcome to the forum.It will be one of the most fulfilling past times you will engage in.
  22. Breast?
  23. Happy new year.if it was possible I would share some of my 32 degrees centigrade weather with you but then you have 4 seasons in a year and i have only 2 so that about evens it.
  24. Sometimes you are made to think r n c set up this forum.
  25. Teamstergrrrl if you do come on here as a guest once in a while a couple of us miss you sometimes,Happy New Year.
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