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macks in nigeria

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Everything posted by macks in nigeria

  1. Will try to start a thread on this.While they are many brands and models here, will just give you a spec for the most popuplar brand, SINOTRUK and model HOWO. HOWO model ZZ3257N3447A1 Engine Type WD 615.69 336Hp or D10.38-30 380Hp. Turbo charged and Inter cooled. Steyr Technology Transmission HW 15710, 10 forwards and 2 reverse, Fuller Technology. Will try to start that thread soon let's not hijack an Anthem thread with cheap Chinese Trucks,people might not know the difference.
  2. Steyr 6 Cylinders in line.
  3. Truthfully they make their owners money.The Dangote Group which is owned by Africa's richest man and in fact the richest black person on earth got tired of ordering them in 2000 units batches that he went into a joint venture with CHNTC manufacturers of Sino Trucks for their assembly in the country so that he can get more units more quickly.
  4. Here 99.5% Class 8 trucks are stick,which is why the Chinese are penetrating the market with clones of popular European trucks.Imagine buying a brand new truck with technology from the 60's and 70's for 30% the cost of an American or European truck.I see fleets selling off 3-5 year old Mack trucks that nobody will touch but scramble over 40 year old R's.We love to keep it simple.
  5. Sad story but fair judgement.Never take safety around a truck for granted.
  6. That book from you needs to come for posterity.
  7. Very soon.will send some to you and you help me put them up as I have tried before without luck.
  8. Those roads look very familiar only thousands of kilometers away.
  9. Vlad this time I don't think any harm was intended just bantering off some Thanks giving excess.
  10. If any member of my race is a piece of S**T I am all for whatever they get,just don't generalize.Sorry i took the bait late, was off the grid for 48hrs.
  11. Afraid you won't be a good example to the kid?You can keep her from the booze if you try.
  12. The Chinese run stuff resembling this to this day
  13. Happy holidays to everyone on BMT and especially to our American members.As you celebrate Thanksgiving think about all the things you share in common than that which divides you. A quote from Nigerian Novelist CHINUA ACHEBE for the season. "A man who calls his kinsmen to a feast does not do so to save them from starving.They all have food in their homes.When we gather together in the moonlit village ground it is not because of the moon.Every man can see it in his own compound.We come together because it is good for kinsmen to do so" Chinua Achebe. Things Fall Apart.
  14. Happy holidays to everyone on BMT and especially to our American members.As you celebrate Thanksgiving think about all the things you share in common than that which divides you. A quote from Nigerian Novelist CHINUA ACHEBE for the season. "A man who calls his kinsmen to a feast does not do so to save them from starving.They all have food in their homes.When we gather together in the moonlit village ground it is not because of the moon.Every man can see it in his own compound.We come together because it is good for kinsmen to do so" Chinua Achebe. Things Fall Apart.
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  15. That's a new engine you have there.Like we say here, More grease to your elbow
  16. Sometimes it takes someone coming out for you to also have the courage to come out in the open realizing you were the victim and not the villain.Some decades ago rape victims were seen as having brought it upon themselves through behavior or exposure, to this day their is stigmatization of rape victims in my country."who wants to marry a rape victim".Look at the epidemic of rape in India and the honor killings that go with it.
  17. ! will not all it cheap labor.The EU is an economic union with different levels of prosperity amongst the member countries.If my overheads are low ,then my charges will be lower.No need profiteering.
  18. You couldn't get a full picture the kind we love here?
  19. I thought that was competition.Maybe France should do a FREXIT.
  20. You did the right thing insisting he should be punished for theft.That was pure love in the hope he will learn his lesson,tough luck he didn't but you can sleep at night knowing you tried to straighten him out regardless of how people might see it.The Christmas day bomber's father is one of the wealthiest people in my country and also honorable too,when he saw changes in his son he notified the US embassy 'which means the CIA and FBI,if they took him seriously or did not wonder can he rally be telling on his son that near miss would never have happened.He is viewed with a lot of respect here for that act more than the fact that at some point he was CEO of the third largest bank and later the Chairman of the largest bank in the country.
  21. We can all continue put out theories but for me it starts with the home.I do not practice democracy with my kids.However i understand that they are also individuals with their God given whatever so I try to guide them appropriately.America is too soft on raising Children(not everyone though).A lot of economic immigrants from Africa are sending their kids back home for an education that has discipline as the foundation. I remember seeing on CNN a mother dragging her teenage son by the ears from the scene of a riot home.While abuses must be prevented,parental discipline must not be criminalized.Even the good Book is clear about discipline and even for those who see it as just a text the ideas contained therein have worked for thousand of years.
  22. They should have no "human rights"
  23. I will hug my teenage son and daughter today and remind them how much I love them.All over the world insecure women from single parents to divorced mums tend to somehow condone or cover up for their new partners when their is violence against their own biological children.
  24. Some crimes beggar belief not to talk of beginning to comprehend them.Your own flesh and blood and 9 months old.Some slime lawyer will start talking about mental health next.In some societies I am familiar with he won't even make it to the police station not to talk of been remanded.He will be LYNCHED.
  25. Please don't ever do this to us again.We kept waiting and checking the forum for you like we do when we are expecting the mail man to bring in some good news.missed you and the pictures plenty.
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