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macks in nigeria

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Everything posted by macks in nigeria

  1. By the time they become usable in my clime because of the infrastructure ,I would have changed address up above or too old to step into a truck.A 650,000 barrel per day new refinery is coming on stream here in 18 months.What an irony.
  2. I saw those small engines years ago in some Trucks here and thought it was someone's creativity as transplanting engines was a common practice here,till date most single axle Rs are running with MAN rear axles.
  3. The grudge between the scandinavian trucks and Mack started a couple of decades ago.
  4. Thanks for the lesson,always thought Renault sold to Volvo and remained independent without realizing they were acquired too.Has the Renault brand lost as much identity as Mack?
  5. This was where your problem really started,when you drive a truck and hear any usual sound you attend to it immediately and not continue driving the truck in the hope that the sound will disappear.The time you didn't want to spare you are losing now in addition to some serious $$$$$.Goodluck.
  6. I thought Renault came in first.
  7. How exactly did the Mack brand fall into the hands of europeans?were there no truck makers in America that were interested orcouldn't pay for it.I am sure this question must have been answered before by KSCarbel but just cant find it.
  8. I don't think this was a"blah blah"letter. The details are too specific and also don't break the kids heart.
  9. That book will be well received.
  10. Even my other half would have something nice to say about old Macks after seeing this and just might begin to listen to the gospel I have been preaching for the last 20 odd years.
  11. Holy cow.Astonishing and unbelievable.
  12. What happens in Vegas ......................................................
  13. A man has to take a break sometimes even from unbelievably attractive things.
  14. Where else can you get a response to your problem this fast,only BMT.
  15. Would you agree to take on a job like this for someone else?
  16. Thanks for the video.I feel a sense of pride watching it as my Grandfather fought with the Brits in this war as a soldier with the Royal West African Frontier Forces.(RWAFF).
  17. Thanks for your usual insight on anything trucks and more.Out here we see only COEs
  18. Was also wondering if he would take up projects like that doing working trucks for interested persons.
  19. Where I am sitting $5 would get you 12, 65cl ice cold bottles of Heineken.
  20. If i owned it i would fix it up and work it.That is a gem find
  21. You learn everyday on this forum.
  22. Thought it was the guys who foresaw they were going to lose two states
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