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macks in nigeria

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Everything posted by macks in nigeria

  1. Who misses a certain Lady on this Forum sometimes the way I do? She certainly would have had a few words to say at a time like this.
  2. Can I rob you of that pin?
  3. The R model is gone for good and has been gone for decades,some people on this forum were not even born when they stopped making them, having said that people have a right to be nostalgic about the past.The reaction to this truck IMO has been relatively warmer than expected considering that the insults in the direction of Sweden have been few.No negatives really just constructive criticism.
  4. Looking at the boards it should be between 7 and 9 inches.
  5. Good thought.He can at least get back what is left of his thread.
  6. You wanted this Truck ready for a job in August I hope after all of this effort the job is still available for you seen that this is September.You deserve all the joy that comes with owning Mrs Mack.
  7. My Family's thoughts and prayers are with those caught up in this.
  8. And how about the others who crossed the line of reasonable behavior and language? While i do not sympathize with her, more people should have gone the same way. Be rest assured the Phoenix will rise again.
  9. The search for things MACK brought most of us to this forum.The people who created BMT in their wisdom chose to have sections that were not Mack related to obviously make the forum more engaging.Today those things that are not truck related have brought the most division here and sadly the insults and all that comes with it are being spearheaded by very senior members of this forum on both side of the divide. Please let us think more of the common things that brought us here rather than the ones that divide us.It is normal to hold opposing views but some of the things written here are just not worthy of any decent human being.
  10. Good things come to those who wait,I am waiting for the next episode of Season1.
  11. He will come around.
  12. Some things can't be measured in monetary terms, like the experience, pride, joy and sense of achievement. You have done very well so far and it will give a couple of us here the courage to take a plunge too. Thanks
  13. If I were you I will let it go,sometimes experience can be the best Teacher.
  14. Your problem solved
  15. It's good to see your faith in them pay off.Goodluck
  16. Good work,was actually looking forward to this video,just like i will be looking forward to the next before the spray job.Keep it coming.
  17. Heads you lose,Tails you lose.Good luck
  18. Welcome to the family.
  19. You are finally dressed properly for the job at hand ha haa.Good work looking forward to Monday after the paint job on Sunday. Good luck from another sunny part of this earth.
  20. A s to ethnicity,color, shape and size, kids are always blind to all of those until we adults bring our prejudices into play.Sent my kids to boarding school in a neighboring country made up of kids from 43 Nationalities across 5 continents and never saw any differences at play during school visits and events.The same blood flows in all of us,color RED.
  21. I love my country. Sit on your butt, you starve.Pure and simple
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