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Everything posted by bobsmack

  1. How do I go about posting a truck for sell?
  2. We used 1 can of starter fluid thinking that would bring fuel to the cylinders, but it did not. The other systems such at the coolant and air compressor seem to be working. Priced is $3,450.00 or make an offer.
  3. Retired a couple of years ago and have been working on a 1961 Mack B61 to get me out of wife's hair. I have reworked the wiring, replaced batteries and cables , and liquids, and got it to startup. Grandson made a video of that. The fuel pump is worn out and I have not found a replacement. It is for sale to rebuild or part out. Located in Midvale, Utah. Comes with operating and maintenence manuals. Contact Bob Allred, boballred@alpinetech.us or 801-631-6985. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yaxwli3w0w8bhde/Video%20Jun%2010%2C%2012%2015%2023%20PM.mov?dl=0 Link to see Truck start in August 2015.
  4. 1961 Mack B61 for sale. Engine END673, 5 speed with 2 speed rear axle. Single rear axle. New batteries and cables. Can be seen on startup at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yaxwli3w0w8bhde/Video%20Jun%2010%2C%2012%2015%2023%20PM.mov?dl=0 Contact 801-631-6985 Truck at Midvale, Utah
  5. Looking for a Fuel Pump. American Bosch APE 6BB-100-373401. Does anyone have a rebuilt?
  6. I just saw your response. Thank you. I rotated the crankshaft until the inlet spring on #1 just started to compress and then un bolted the two bolts on the bottom and the three that connect to the front of the pump housing and gears from the engine. I was able to start separation from that front housing, but it acts like the pump shaft is still attached. Is there a pin that needs to be removed? Am I in trouble for the way I lined up the #1 piston and can I correct it without reattaching the pump?
  7. Thanks for the feedback. I now have the injectors out and numbered in a rack. I have the fuel pump separated from the engine housing, but there seems to be something holding it inside. Is there a pin I need to get out?
  8. I am rebuilding a 1961 Mack B61 with 673 Thermaldyne engine. It has been setting in a field for 30 years. I can start it on starter fluid but am not getting fuel out of the pump. I have been told I need to get #1 piston in the proper timing position before I remove the fuel pump to have it gone through. How do I tell when I have #1 piston in the correct postion?
  9. How do I set the #1 piston in the proper position to remove the American Bosch fuel pump so I can have it rebuilt? This is on a 1961 Mack B61 with END 673 engine that has been idle for about 30 years. Engine starts with starter fluid, but I am not getting fuel out of the fuel pump. How do I determine TDC for #1 and where do I need to have the piston for the fuel pump to be reinstalled to start the fuel feed to #1?.
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