Digging through the mists of my memory, as glenn has said if they are both 2 valve heads and the model numbers match, should be a fit. However, in my experience, a properly adjusted dynatard works better than a jake. While the principle of operation is the same, Mack has done a bit more R&D on their gear and got the valve timing better. The biggest problem with both jake and dynatard systems is leakage. Those poor little o rings and seals cop an awful time in there and after a while go hard, split and leak, which dampens the operation. Put a seal kit through your dynatard units, not that expensive, and may give you a surprise. And just a quick thought on why Cummins jakes work better, they use cam actuated injectors, and the injector rocker arm activates the jake units for each cylinder, so the valve timing is much better. The older mechanical 3406 Cats however, as Glenn said work the same as a Mack, just more cubes. Chris.