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  1. Fan is on with or without the A/C only
  2. 2005 Mack Granite Couple days ago at the end of the day I noticed the fan clutch engaged as it should.Problem is it will not shut off.From what I understand there are 4-5 sensors that make this happen.Truck is showing no check engine lights.Any ideas where to start?
  3. Pro’s and Con’s of this year model 460 motor
  4. Mackpro do u know off the top which turbo that would be?And I take it my nearest Mack dealer would have to do the download or is there another source for that?
  5. CL 700 #1M2AD05C41M011889
  6. Have a 2001 E-Tech 300 with a T2070 tranny.Would like to up the HP if possible.What is the safest and best way to go? 011889 is the last 6 of the Vin #.
  7. Update.We just installed the ReMack water pump with the pulley already installed,a new set of bolts with the spacers.Fingers crosses!
  8. replaced original fan clutch with a Kit Masters and after the fourth time breaking the bolts replaced it with an original Horton and no change.Broken bolts 3 more times after the change.
  9. yeah we ditched the 8 blade metal fan and replaced it with a plastic fan and still having the same issue.
  10. Yes sir its an E-tech and I have had 3 different waterpumps since this started.But have been taking the pulley off and reusing it each time>
  11. Looking at buying a 2007 Mack Granite Dump with the MP7 370 hp motor with 497,000 miles.Looking for you guys input,Good and Bad.Thanks!!
  12. This topic has been discussed before and unfortunately I am at a dead end.Have 2 Water pump bolts that keep breaking off I have replaced the Harmonic Balancer and have updated the bolts with the spacers per Mack’s bulletins on this problem.New fan,new Mack water pump,new Mack fan clutch,water pump housing,belt,belt tensioner,alternator.Everything on the front of this motor is new from Mack and I keep having the same issue.Any help would be much appreciated!
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