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  1. Yes the EM7 300 is a 1750 RPM engine. Truck will not pull 73,000 lbs over 45 mph. If I pull pump and injectors thinking its a good time to upgrade. Concerned with the steps in the 6 speed. Might have to change trans to a 9 or 13 speed. Don't want to waste money unnecessarily. Believe the truck has a 502 gear ratio. Working on pictures.
  2. Thank you both for replying...... Wasn't sure if I had to change crank shaft dampner for the timing on a 350. As far as the transmission, I knew it would handle the torque/horsepower, but was concerned with over fueling between gears.
  3. Hello - I am new to the group. I own 4 Macks; a 1989 Superliner, a 1987 DM, a 1996 RB and a 1997 RB. Looking for a little help please. Anyone know if you can turn a EM7 300 into a 350 or 400, and leave the 6 speed in the truck? Thanks! Tom
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